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Facebook Pages
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Popular Facebook Pages and Twitch workflows and automations
Twitch Auto Facebook Page
Automatically post on your official Facebook Page when you start streaming on Twitch
Useful Facebook Pages and Twitch integrations
Triggers (If this)
Stream going live for a channel you follow
This Trigger fires every time a stream is going live for the specified Channel that you follow.
New status message on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new status message on your Facebook Page.
New stream started by you
This trigger fires every time you start streaming on Twitch.
New status message with hashtag on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new status message with a specific hashtag on your Facebook Page.
New video posted by a channel you follow
This trigger fires every time there is a new video posted by a channel you follow.
New link post on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new link post on your Facebook Page.
New video posted by you
This trigger fires every time there is a new video posted by you.
New link post with hashtag on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new link post with a specific hashtag on your Facebook Page.
You follow a new channel
This trigger fires every time you follow a new channel on Twitch.
New photo upload on page
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new photo on your Facebook Page.
New follower on your channel
This trigger fires every time there is a new follower of your channel.
New photo upload with hashtag on page
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new photo with a specific hashtag on your Facebook Page.
Queries (With)
History of followers on your channel
This query returns a list of when there were new followers of your channel.
History of following a new channel
This query returns a list of when you follow new channels on Twitch.
History of videos posted by a channel you follow
This query returns a list of when there were new videos posted by a channel you follow.
History of videos posted by you
This query returns a list of when there were new videos posted by you.
History of Stream going live events for a channel you follow
This query returns a list of events when a stream went live for the specified Channel that you follow.
History of streams started by you
This query returns a list of when you started streaming on Twitch.
History of top videos of the week
This query returns a list of when there were new top videos of the week on Twitch.
Actions (Then that)
Create a status message
This Action will create a new plain text status message on your Facebook Page.
Create a link post
This Action will create a new link post on your Facebook Page wall.
Upload a photo from URL
This Action will upload a new photo, from the given URL, to a Facebook Page album you specify.
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