Synchronize your Verizon Cloud contacts to Google Contacts
Popular Verizon Cloud workflows & automations
Save new iOS photos to Verizon Cloud
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YouTube to cloud
Genera promozione Lasagna Marketing da Verizon Cloud
Busy Weekend Adventures
If google doc gets saved then save to Verizon cloud
Save new Android photos to Verizon Cloud
Save Photos From Telegram to your Verizon Cloud
New file added in folder This Trigger fires every time any file is saved in the folder you specify.
New photo in folder This Trigger fires every time a photo is saved in the folder you specify.
New file in album This Trigger fires every time any file is saved in a specific album.
New photo in album This Trigger fires every time a photo is saved in a specific album.
New contact This Trigger fires every time a new contact is created.
History of file added in folder This query returns a list of recent files saved in the folder you specify.
History of photos in folder This query returns a list of every time a photo is saved in the folder you specify.
History of files in album This query returns a list of every time any file is saved in a specific album.
History of contacts This query returns a list of every time a new contact is created.
History of photos in album This query returns a list of every time a photo is saved in a specific album.