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Triggers (If this)
Device is powered on
This trigger fires every time your selected Cielo smart device is powered on.
New Episode
This trigger fires when there is a new episode available for the "1A" Podcast
Device is powered off
This trigger fires every time your selected Cielo smart device is powered off.
Action performed
This trigger fires every time an action is performed on your Cielo smart device. This trigger fires for power, mode, and temperature changes.
Preset activation
This trigger fires every time a preset activates on your Cielo smart device.
Room temperature drops below
This trigger fires every time your selected Cielo smart device senses that the indoor temperature is lower than your specified threshold.
Room temperature rises above
This trigger fires every time your selected Cielo smart device senses that the indoor temperature is greater than your specified threshold.
Room humidity rises above
This trigger fires every time your selected Cielo smart device senses that the indoor humidity is greater than your specified threshold.
Room humidity drops below
This trigger fires every time your selected Cielo smart device senses that the indoor humidity is less than your specified threshold.
Vacation start activation
This trigger fires every time a vacation schedule starts on your Cielo thermostat.
Vacation ended on thermostat
This trigger fires every time a vacation schedule ends on your Cielo smart thermostat.
aux unit is kicked in
This trigger fires every time when aux unit attached to cielo thermostat is powered on.
Actions (Then that)
Remove hold on Cielo thermostat
This action will remove any hold settings applied on your Cielo smart thermostat.
Set Cielo thermostat mode
This action will set your Cielo smart thermostat to a specified mode.
Apply preset on Cielo thermostat
This action will set your Cielo smart thermostat to a specified preset.
Enable hold settings on Cielo thermostat
This action will enable different hold settings on your Cielo smart thermostat.
Power ON your AC
This action will power on your Cielo smart device as per your pre-defined settings.
Enable vacation on Cielo thermostat
This action will enable vacation schedule on your Cielo smart thermostat.
Power OFF your AC
This action will power off your Cielo smart controller.
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