If Any new event added
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular AI Prompt workflows and automations
Forward Twitter posts from a specific user to your Telegram group chat in a different language.
Daily Slack update
Overview of Agile Octopus electricity prices
If Every day at 12:30 AM, then Send a notification from the IFTTT app
If New feed item from RSS, then craft AI post to Twitter
Investor Insights to Twitter
X-Reddit (BTCC to BTCC)
Whenever I write a note widget, generate 10 YouTube title ideas and add them to a Google Doc
Useful AI Prompt and iOS Health integrations
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Log weight
This action logs body mass in pounds or kilograms to your iPhone's Health app.
Log calories consumed
This action logs calories consumed to your iPhone's Health app.
Log workout
This action logs a workout to your iPhone's Health app. Choose the type of activity, calories burned, duration, and more to customize your workouts.
Log sleep
This action logs sleep to your iPhone's Health app.

Log weight
This action logs body mass in pounds or kilograms to your iPhone's Health app.

Log calories consumed
This action logs calories consumed to your iPhone's Health app.

Log workout
This action logs a workout to your iPhone's Health app. Choose the type of activity, calories burned, duration, and more to customize your workouts.

Log sleep
This action logs sleep to your iPhone's Health app.
AI Prompt and iOS Health resources
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together