Other popular iOS Health workflows and automations
When you reach your Fitbit daily step goal log it as workout in iOS health
Automatically sync your sleep readings from Fitbit
Quickly log your sleep
Sync your Fitbit Aria weigh-ins to Health
If New post in Channel, then log workout
When I buy a coffee, log calories to iOS Health
Fitbit and iOS Health Sync
Quickly log a meal with a note widget
Quickly update weight on Health & Strava
Useful iOS Health and Strava integrations
Triggers (If this)
Shoes over distance threshold
This trigger fires when distance tracked by Strava for selected shoes crosses a threshold you specify.
New activity by you
This Trigger fires every time you complete a new activity on Strava.
New activity by you with photo
This Trigger fires every time you complete a new activity that includes a photo.
New route by you
This Trigger fires every time you create a new route on Strava.
New starred segment by you
This Trigger fires every time you star a segment on Strava.
New club event scheduled
This Trigger fires every time there is a new event scheduled for one of your clubs.

Queries (With)
Get Athlete Activities
Get a list of your activities.
Get Athlete Totals
This query returns the activity stats of an athlete.
History of activity by you
This query returns a list of every time you completed a new activity on Strava.
History of activity by you with photo
This query returns a list of every time you completed a new activity that included a photo.
History of club event scheduled
This query returns a list of every time there is a new event scheduled for one of your clubs.
History of starred segment by you
This query returns a list of every time you starred a segment on Strava.
History of route by you
This query returns a list of every time you created a new route on Strava.

Actions (Then that)
Log weight
This action logs body mass in pounds or kilograms to your iPhone's Health app.
Create an activity
This Action will create a new activity in Strava.
Log calories consumed
This action logs calories consumed to your iPhone's Health app.
Update weight
This Action will update your weight on Strava.
Log workout
This action logs a workout to your iPhone's Health app. Choose the type of activity, calories burned, duration, and more to customize your workouts.
Log sleep
This action logs sleep to your iPhone's Health app.

iOS Health and Strava resources

How to change time on Fitbit devices
Click to learn how to change time on Fitbit devices!

What is Noonlight? + Automations for maximum safety
Curious about Noonlight? Click to learn what is Noonlight and automations for maximum safety.

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