If New row added to, then Create record
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Airtable workflows and automations
Update Airtable with every Jotform submission
Automatically save every tweet you send to Airtable
Airtable to Todoist
Call on new record on airtable
Send an email for every new Airtable record created
Send SMS on new Record
If a new lead is created, then Create record
Email me when a new record is created
Useful Airtable and ASUS ZenEye integrations
Triggers (If this)
Motion is detected
This trigger fires when VivoCam detect a motion event
New record created
This Trigger fires every time a new record is created in a table. You can optionally configure it to only fire when a record appears in a specific view.
Sound is detected
This trigger fires when VivoCam detect a sound event
Night Vision is enabled
This trigger fires when VivoCam changes to night vision model.

Motion is detected
This trigger fires when VivoCam detect a motion event

New record created
This Trigger fires every time a new record is created in a table. You can optionally configure it to only fire when a record appears in a specific view.

Sound is detected
This trigger fires when VivoCam detect a sound event

Night Vision is enabled
This trigger fires when VivoCam changes to night vision model.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Turn on Guard
This action will enable VivoCam Guard mode. When Guard mode is enabled, the camera starts monitoring for your home security.
Create a new record
This Action will create a new record in a table of your choosing.
Turn off siren
This action will disable VivoCam Base Station siren
Turn off Guard
This action will disable VivoCam Guard mode. When Guard mode is disabled, the camera stops monitoring for your privacy.
Turn on siren
This action will enable VivoCam Base Station siren

Turn on Guard
This action will enable VivoCam Guard mode. When Guard mode is enabled, the camera starts monitoring for your home security.

Create a new record
This Action will create a new record in a table of your choosing.

Turn off siren
This action will disable VivoCam Base Station siren

Turn off Guard
This action will disable VivoCam Guard mode. When Guard mode is disabled, the camera stops monitoring for your privacy.

Turn on siren
This action will enable VivoCam Base Station siren
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