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Actions (Then that)
Other popular Airtable workflows and automations
Airtable Weekly Recurring Tasks
Automatically create new Airtable records for new Google My Business reviews
If New row added to, then Create record
Create a new record button
Add posts to Nuelink for new records in a view in Airtable
Log how much time you spend at home/work/etc.
Send SMS on new Record
Useful Airtable and Wink: Pivot Power Genius integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Turn outlet on
This Action will turn on the Pivot Power Genius outlet you specify. If the outlet is already on, it will remain on.
Create a new record
This Action will create a new record in a table of your choosing.
Turn outlet off
This Action will turn off the Pivot Power Genius outlet you specify. If the outlet is already off, it will remain off.
Toggle on/off
This Action will toggle the Pivot Power Genius outlet you specific on or off.

Turn outlet on
This Action will turn on the Pivot Power Genius outlet you specify. If the outlet is already on, it will remain on.

Create a new record
This Action will create a new record in a table of your choosing.

Turn outlet off
This Action will turn off the Pivot Power Genius outlet you specify. If the outlet is already off, it will remain off.

Toggle on/off
This Action will toggle the Pivot Power Genius outlet you specific on or off.
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