Automatically turn on your Hue lights on when you unlock your August Smart Lock
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Other popular August workflows and automations
When specific person unlocks the door then control Nexus Home AC
Turn on a WeMo smart switch when your lock is unlocked
Turn on the light when the door is unlocked
Turn on hallway light
Turn off the lights when the door is locked
When a specific person unlocks the door then Turn ON/OFF Nexus Home Devices
Automatically turn off your lights as you leave home
Disarm Your Blink System When You Unlock Your August Lock
Useful August and Neo Smart Blinds integrations
Triggers (If this)
Lock unlocked
This Trigger fires every time the specified lock is unlocked.
Lock locked
This Trigger fires every time the specified lock is locked.
Lock unlocked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is unlocked by a specific person.
Lock locked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is locked by a specific person.
Doorbell motion detected
This trigger fires every time your doorbell detects motion.
Doorbell button pressed
This trigger fires every time someone rings your doorbell.

Lock unlocked
This Trigger fires every time the specified lock is unlocked.

Lock locked
This Trigger fires every time the specified lock is locked.

Lock unlocked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is unlocked by a specific person.

Lock locked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is locked by a specific person.

Doorbell motion detected
This trigger fires every time your doorbell detects motion.

Doorbell button pressed
This trigger fires every time someone rings your doorbell.
Queries (With)
History of a specific person locked your Lock
This query returns a list of events when your lock was locked by a specific person.
List Smart Controllers
This query returns Smart Controllers' information associated with that account
History of lock unlocked by specific person
This query returns a list of when your lock was unlocked by a specific person.
History of lock locked
This query returns a list of when the specified lock was locked.
History of lock unlocked
This query returns a list of when the specified lock was unlocked.

History of a specific person locked your Lock
This query returns a list of events when your lock was locked by a specific person.

List Smart Controllers
This query returns Smart Controllers' information associated with that account

History of lock unlocked by specific person
This query returns a list of when your lock was unlocked by a specific person.

History of lock locked
This query returns a list of when the specified lock was locked.

History of lock unlocked
This query returns a list of when the specified lock was unlocked.
Actions (Then that)
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