Automatically turn on your Hue lights on when you unlock your August Smart Lock
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Other popular August workflows and automations
Flash front lights when doorbell rings
Door Unlocked - Set Comfort Level to Home
August Lock Status Light (Locked)
Turn your hue lights on when you get home
If August Lock is unlocked activate wink shortcut
When August door lock unlocks, turn on Midea dehumidifier
Log August 'Locked' Events to Google Calendar
Turn on your LIFX lights when you come home
Useful August and openHAB integrations
Triggers (If this)
Lock unlockedThis Trigger fires every time the specified lock is unlocked.
Item state changesThis Trigger fires every time an item changes its state to a value you specify.
Lock lockedThis Trigger fires every time the specified lock is locked.
Item state raises aboveThis Trigger fires every time an item's state raises above a value you specify and works with any number item.
Lock unlocked by specific personThis Trigger fires every time your lock is unlocked by a specific person.
Item state drops belowThis Trigger fires every time an item's state drops below a value you specify and works with any number item.
Lock locked by specific personThis Trigger fires every time your lock is locked by a specific person.
Doorbell motion detectedThis trigger fires every time your doorbell detects motion.
Doorbell button pressedThis trigger fires every time someone rings your doorbell.
Queries (With)
History of a specific person locked your LockThis query returns a list of events when your lock was locked by a specific person.
History of item state drops belowThis query returns a list of when an item's state drops below a value you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of lock unlocked by specific personThis query returns a list of when your lock was unlocked by a specific person.
History of item state changesThis query returns a list of when an item changes its state to a value you specify.
History of lock lockedThis query returns a list of when the specified lock was locked.
History of lock unlockedThis query returns a list of when the specified lock was unlocked.
Actions (Then that)
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