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Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Popular Blogger and Reddit workflows and automations
Share your latest posts on Reddit to Blogger
Tland Reddit
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Classic Text
Reddit to Blogger
Top 25 teams name and Record in College Football
Useful Blogger and Reddit integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time there is a new post in the subreddit you specify.
Any new post
This Trigger fires every time you publish a new post on your Blogger blog.
New hot post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time a new post becomes one of the ten hottest posts in the subreddit you specify.
New post labeled
This Trigger fires every time you publish a new post on your Blogger blog with a specific label.
New top post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time a new post becomes one of the ten top posts in the subreddit you specify.
New post from search
This Trigger fires every time a new post submitted on reddit matches a search query you specify. NOTE: limited to 20 items per check.
New post by you
This Trigger fires every time you submit a new post on reddit.
New comment by you
This Trigger fires every time you save a new comment on reddit.
New upvoted post by you
This Trigger fires every time you upvote a post on reddit.
New downvoted post by you
This Trigger fires every time you downvote a post on reddit.
New post saved by you
This Trigger fires every time you save a post on reddit.

Any new post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time there is a new post in the subreddit you specify.

Any new post
This Trigger fires every time you publish a new post on your Blogger blog.

New hot post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time a new post becomes one of the ten hottest posts in the subreddit you specify.

New post labeled
This Trigger fires every time you publish a new post on your Blogger blog with a specific label.

New top post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time a new post becomes one of the ten top posts in the subreddit you specify.

New post from search
This Trigger fires every time a new post submitted on reddit matches a search query you specify. NOTE: limited to 20 items per check.

New post by you
This Trigger fires every time you submit a new post on reddit.

New comment by you
This Trigger fires every time you save a new comment on reddit.

New upvoted post by you
This Trigger fires every time you upvote a post on reddit.

New downvoted post by you
This Trigger fires every time you downvote a post on reddit.

New post saved by you
This Trigger fires every time you save a post on reddit.
Actions (Then that)
Submit a new text post
This Action will submit a new text post on reddit. NOTE: reddit karma is required.
Create a post
This Action will create a regular post on your Blogger blog.
Submit a new link
This Action will submit a new link on reddit. NOTE: reddit karma is required.
Create a photo post
This Action will create a photo post on your Blogger blog from the given URL to an image.

Submit a new text post
This Action will submit a new text post on reddit. NOTE: reddit karma is required.

Create a post
This Action will create a regular post on your Blogger blog.

Submit a new link
This Action will submit a new link on reddit. NOTE: reddit karma is required.

Create a photo post
This Action will create a photo post on your Blogger blog from the given URL to an image.
Blogger and Reddit resources

Reddit automations to keep the Karma flowing
Click to learn how to automate Reddit and more Reddit automations!

How an IFTTTer automatically shares their blog
IFTTT can now help bloggers automatically promote their blog. Click to learn more!

How to write a blog: Setup and how to make money blogging
Click to learn how to write a blog and how to make money blogging with IFTTT.
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together