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Discord and Telegram resources

How to clear the Spotify queue

How to clear the Spotify queue

Do you have a long list of songs queued up on Spotify that you just haven't gotten around to listening to? If so, you're not alone. Many people use the queue feature on Spotify as a way to build a custom playlist of their favorite songs....

4 Gmail automations to reduce context switching

4 Gmail automations to reduce context switching

IFTTT brings you the best Gmail automations and interrogations to increase productivity and decrease context switching.

Five easy steps to repost on TikTok

Five easy steps to repost on TikTok

Interested in scaling your TikTok videos? Click to learn five easy steps to repost on TikTok and how to automate the process!

Introducing our new service: TikTok integrations

Introducing our new service: TikTok integrations

Introducing our new service: TikTok integrations

Shared location automations

Shared location automations

Our new shared location capability allows you to control the smart devices in your home and other automations based on the location of your favorite people. Trigger your Applets based on the location of multiple people with the new Group...

How an IFTTTer automatically shares their blog

How an IFTTTer automatically shares their blog

IFTTT can now help bloggers automatically promote their blog. Click to learn more!

How to download songs on Spotify (Mobile and Desktop)

How to download songs on Spotify (Mobile and Desktop)

Spotify is a great way to listen to music, but what if you don't have wifi? No problem! You can download music and podcasts on Spotify so that you can listen to them offline. In this blog post, we will teach you how to do just that.

How to change your Spotify username

How to change your Spotify username

Changing your Spotify display name (username) is quick and easy. Click to learn more!

How to Use Telegram

How to Use Telegram

Telegram is a popular, easy-to-use messaging and communication platform. Telegram also has easy integrations with dozens of other tools to make your communication better than ever.

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