forward SMS to Telegram group chat if it contains a search phrase
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Triggers (If this)
New message with key phrase to @IFTTTThis trigger fires when you send a text message with a key phrase to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
Any new SMS receivedThis Trigger fires every time you receive any new SMS on your Android device.
New photo to @IFTTT on TelegramThis trigger fires when you send a photo to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
Any new SMS sentThis Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device.
New message with key phrase in a groupThis trigger fires when a user sends a message with the /ifttt command and a key phrase to the source group.
New SMS received from phone numberThis Trigger fires every time you receive an SMS on your Android device from a phone number you specify.
New message in a groupThis trigger fires when any user sends the /ifttt command to the source group.
New SMS sent to phone numberThis Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device to a phone number you specify.
New post in your channelThis trigger fires when a new message is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
New SMS received matches searchThis Trigger fires every time you receive an SMS on your Android device that matches a search you specify.
New photo in your channelThis trigger fires when a new photo is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
New SMS sent matches searchThis Trigger fires every time you send an SMS on your Android device that matches a search you specify.
Queries (With)
History of messages in a groupThis query returns a list of when any user sends the /ifttt command to the source group.
History of photos to @IFTTT on TelegramThis query returns a list of when you send a photo to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
History of messages with key phrase in a groupThis query returns a list of when a user sends a message with the /ifttt command and a key phrase to the source group.
History of photos in your channelThis query returns a list of when a new photo is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
History of messages with key phrase to @IFTTTThis query returns a list of when you send a text message with a key phrase to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
History of posts in your channelThis query returns a list of when a new message is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
Actions (Then that)
Send messageThis action will send a text message to a Telegram chat.
Send an SMSThis Action will send an SMS from your Android device to any phone number you specify.
Send photoThis action will send a photo to a Telegram chat.
Send videoThis action will send a video to a Telegram chat.
Send mp3This action will send an mp3 to a Telegram chat.
Android SMS and Telegram resources

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