Send a daily notification via Pushover with the closing price of a certain stock
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
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Triggers (If this)
A new post is published
This trigger fires when a new post is published.
Price at close
This Trigger retrieves the closing price of a stock you specify every time the market closes.
A new post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post is scheduled.
Price rises above
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock’s closing price rises above an amount you specify.
A new text post is published
This trigger fires when a new plain text post is published.
Price drops below
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock’s closing price drops below an amount you specify.
A new text post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new plain text post is scheduled.
Today's price rises by percentage
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock's price rises from the previous closing price by at least the percentage you specify.
A new photo post is published
This trigger fires when a new post containing an image is published.
Today's price drops by percentage
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock's price drops from the previous closing price by at least the percentage you specify.
A new photo post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post containing an image is scheduled.
Today's exchange rate report
This Trigger retrieves today's current exchange rate for any two currencies at the time you specify.
A new link post is published
This trigger fires when a new post containing an link is published.
A new link post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post containing a link is scheduled.

A new post is published
This trigger fires when a new post is published.

Price at close
This Trigger retrieves the closing price of a stock you specify every time the market closes.

A new post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post is scheduled.

Price rises above
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock’s closing price rises above an amount you specify.

A new text post is published
This trigger fires when a new plain text post is published.

Price drops below
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock’s closing price drops below an amount you specify.

A new text post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new plain text post is scheduled.

Today's price rises by percentage
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock's price rises from the previous closing price by at least the percentage you specify.

A new photo post is published
This trigger fires when a new post containing an image is published.

Today's price drops by percentage
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock's price drops from the previous closing price by at least the percentage you specify.

A new photo post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post containing an image is scheduled.

Today's exchange rate report
This Trigger retrieves today's current exchange rate for any two currencies at the time you specify.

A new link post is published
This trigger fires when a new post containing an link is published.

A new link post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post containing a link is scheduled.
Queries (With)
History of all published posts
This query returns a history of all published posts.
History of a stock dropping below a price
This query returns a list of when a stocks price dropped below an amount you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of all scheduled posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts.
History of a stock rising above a price
This query returns a list of when a stocks price rose above an amount you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of all published text posts
This query returns a history of all published plain text posts.
History of a stock dropping by percentage
This query returns a list of when a stocks price dropped below a percentage you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of all scheduled text posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled plain text posts.
History of today's price rises by percentage
This query returns a list of when a stock's price rises from the previous closing price by at least the percentage you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of all published photo posts
This query returns a history of all published posts containing an image.
History of closing prices
This query returns a list of recent closing prices of a stock you specify.
History of all scheduled photo posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts containing an image.
History of all published link posts
This query returns a history of all published posts containing a link.
History of all scheduled link posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts containing a link.

History of all published posts
This query returns a history of all published posts.

History of a stock dropping below a price
This query returns a list of when a stocks price dropped below an amount you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.

History of all scheduled posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts.

History of a stock rising above a price
This query returns a list of when a stocks price rose above an amount you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.

History of all published text posts
This query returns a history of all published plain text posts.

History of a stock dropping by percentage
This query returns a list of when a stocks price dropped below a percentage you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.

History of all scheduled text posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled plain text posts.

History of today's price rises by percentage
This query returns a list of when a stock's price rises from the previous closing price by at least the percentage you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.

History of all published photo posts
This query returns a history of all published posts containing an image.

History of closing prices
This query returns a list of recent closing prices of a stock you specify.

History of all scheduled photo posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts containing an image.

History of all published link posts
This query returns a history of all published posts containing a link.

History of all scheduled link posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts containing a link.
Actions (Then that)
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