If New video from search, then create a published post with Twitter: marija857 (marija8572)
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Hopscotch Social Media Management workflows and automations
Send a #WelcomeTweet to your new Twitter Followers
Post to Multiple Social Media Accounts in Hopscotch
Automatically Retweet
If New from search, then create a scheduled post with Facebook Page: Edith Stein (104616758991501)
If New post in Channel @clea2n clean2, then Submit a new text post
Post new Google Calendar events on social media with Hopscotch
If New video from search, then create a queued post with Oi
If New video from search, then retweet a tweet with Twitter: ohsob879 (ohsob879)
Useful Hopscotch Social Media Management and Tumblr integrations
Triggers (If this)
New Post Created
This trigger fires when a new post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created
A new post is published
This trigger fires when a new post is published.
New Post Created With Tag
This trigger fires when a new post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created with a specific tag.
A new post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post is scheduled.
New Photo Post Created
This trigger fires when a new photo post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.
A new text post is published
This trigger fires when a new plain text post is published.
New Link Post Created
This trigger fires when a new link post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.
A new text post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new plain text post is scheduled.
New Quote Post Created
This trigger fires when a new quote post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.
A new photo post is published
This trigger fires when a new post containing an image is published.
New Video Post Created
This trigger fires when a new video post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.
A new photo post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post containing an image is scheduled.
New Audio Post Created
This trigger fires when a new audio post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.
A new link post is published
This trigger fires when a new post containing an link is published.
New Like
This trigger fires when the user likes a post
A new link post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post containing a link is scheduled.
New Post On Blog I Follow
This trigger fires when a new post is made on a blog I follow.

New Post Created
This trigger fires when a new post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created

A new post is published
This trigger fires when a new post is published.

New Post Created With Tag
This trigger fires when a new post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created with a specific tag.

A new post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post is scheduled.

New Photo Post Created
This trigger fires when a new photo post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.

A new text post is published
This trigger fires when a new plain text post is published.

New Link Post Created
This trigger fires when a new link post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.

A new text post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new plain text post is scheduled.

New Quote Post Created
This trigger fires when a new quote post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.

A new photo post is published
This trigger fires when a new post containing an image is published.

New Video Post Created
This trigger fires when a new video post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.

A new photo post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post containing an image is scheduled.

New Audio Post Created
This trigger fires when a new audio post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.

A new link post is published
This trigger fires when a new post containing an link is published.

New Like
This trigger fires when the user likes a post

A new link post is scheduled
This trigger fires when a new post containing a link is scheduled.

New Post On Blog I Follow
This trigger fires when a new post is made on a blog I follow.
Queries (With)
History of all published posts
This query returns a history of all published posts.
List Posts on Tumblelog
This query returns a list of posts for a given tumblelog.
History of all scheduled posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts.
History of all published text posts
This query returns a history of all published plain text posts.
History of all scheduled text posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled plain text posts.
History of all published photo posts
This query returns a history of all published posts containing an image.
History of all scheduled photo posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts containing an image.
History of all published link posts
This query returns a history of all published posts containing a link.
History of all scheduled link posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts containing a link.

History of all published posts
This query returns a history of all published posts.

List Posts on Tumblelog
This query returns a list of posts for a given tumblelog.

History of all scheduled posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts.

History of all published text posts
This query returns a history of all published plain text posts.

History of all scheduled text posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled plain text posts.

History of all published photo posts
This query returns a history of all published posts containing an image.

History of all scheduled photo posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts containing an image.

History of all published link posts
This query returns a history of all published posts containing a link.

History of all scheduled link posts
This query returns a history of all scheduled posts containing a link.
Actions (Then that)
Create a text post
This action will create a Text Post on Tumblr.
Create a new queued post
This action will create a new queued post.
Create a link post
This action will create a Link Post at Tumblr.
Create a new scheduled post
This action will create a new scheduled post.
Create a photo post
This action will create a Photo Post on Tumblr.
Create a new published post
This action will create a new published post.
Create a quote post
This action will create a quote post at Tumblr.
Retweet a tweet
This action will retweet a tweet with your twitter account.
Create a video post
This action will create a Video Post on Tumblr.
Create an audio post
This action will create an Audio Post on Tumblr.

Create a text post
This action will create a Text Post on Tumblr.

Create a new queued post
This action will create a new queued post.

Create a link post
This action will create a Link Post at Tumblr.

Create a new scheduled post
This action will create a new scheduled post.

Create a photo post
This action will create a Photo Post on Tumblr.

Create a new published post
This action will create a new published post.

Create a quote post
This action will create a quote post at Tumblr.

Retweet a tweet
This action will retweet a tweet with your twitter account.

Create a video post
This action will create a Video Post on Tumblr.

Create an audio post
This action will create an Audio Post on Tumblr.
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