Connect Instagram to Tumblr and unlock powerful automations

Other popular Instagram workflows and automations

Useful Instagram and Tumblr integrations

Instagram and Tumblr resources

How to make your Twitter account private in 5 easy steps

How to make your Twitter account private in 5 easy steps

Twitter is a great way to share your thoughts and connect with people around the world, but sometimes you may want more privacy. A private Twitter account means that only approved followers can see your tweets. This can be helpful if you...

Most popular social media automations 2025

Most popular social media automations 2025

Using our most popular social media Applets, you can leverage the power and flexibility of your favorite social platforms. This can reduce the time you spend doing manual, repetitive tasks, make social media more accessible, and allow yo...

Best Buffer automations

Best Buffer automations

Click to learn top Buffer automations on IFTTT.

How to market on social media

How to market on social media

Click to learn how to market on social media with IFTTT - Automate your business.

Optimize your social media profile by connecting Lnk.Bio with IFTTT

Optimize your social media profile by connecting Lnk.Bio with IFTTT

Click to learn how to optimize your social media profile with Lnk.Bio & IFTTT.

Tumblr Applets

Tumblr Applets

Tumblr is an incredibly popular place to host blogs, with over half a billion blogs and millions of visitors to the site each day. Using IFTTT’s integration, it is possible to automate social sharing and increase the reach of your content.

The 25 Best IFTTT Applets: Revolutionizing Your Digital Workflow

The 25 Best IFTTT Applets: Revolutionizing Your Digital Workflow

the 25 best IFTTT Applets

Top Discord automations of 2025

Top Discord automations of 2025

Discord is a great way to connect with different communities around the world. Using IFTTT, you can automate notifications or share the latest updates from other sources. Whether you want to share your latest YouTube video as soon as it ...

How to link Instagram to Facebook Business Page

How to link Instagram to Facebook Business Page

How to link instagram to Facebook Business Page. Connect Instagram and Facebook quickly. Automate Instagram and Facebook with 1000 different tools with IFTTT.

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together