Other popular Tumblr workflows and automations
RSS to Tumblr Create a New Photo Post on Cal Star
Rss To Tumblr
Post new YouTube video uploads to Tumblr
If a new post on a tumblelog I follow, then post a rich message to a channel
Fox News Breaking News
Update on Tumblr when new live event on Flutin
Post your public Instagram photos to Tumblr
Post to Tumblr when there's a new Dude Perfect episode
Share new SoundCloud uploads to Tumblr
Useful Tumblr and YouTube integrations
Triggers (If this)
New video from search
This Trigger fires every time a video is published that matches a search query.
New Post Created
This trigger fires when a new post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created
New liked video
This Trigger fires every time you like a video on YouTube.
New Post Created With Tag
This trigger fires when a new post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created with a specific tag.
You subscribe to a channel
This trigger fires when a new subscription is made by you, or another specific channel.
New Photo Post Created
This trigger fires when a new photo post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.
New video by channel
This Trigger fires every time a specific channel publishes a video.
New Link Post Created
This trigger fires when a new link post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.
New playlist
This trigger fires when a new playlist is created by a specific channel.
New Quote Post Created
This trigger fires when a new quote post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.
New public video uploaded by you
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public video to YouTube.
New Video Post Created
This trigger fires when a new video post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.
New public video from subscriptions
This Trigger fires every time a specific user you are subscribed to makes a new video public.
New Audio Post Created
This trigger fires when a new audio post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.
New Super Chat message
This trigger fires when there is a new Super Chat message in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.
New Like
This trigger fires when the user likes a post
New channel membership
This trigger fires when there is a new membership for your channel.
New Post On Blog I Follow
This trigger fires when a new post is made on a blog I follow.
New Super Sticker
This trigger fires when there is a new Super Sticker in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.

Queries (With)
History of liked videos
This query returns a list of every time you like a video on YouTube.
List Posts on Tumblelog
This query returns a list of posts for a given tumblelog.
History of public videos uploaded by you
This query returns a list of every time you upload a new public video to YouTube.
History of public videos from subscriptions
This query returns a list of every time a specific user you are subscribed to makes a new video public.
History of channel memberships
This query returns a list of when there is a new membership for your channel.
History of Super Chat messages
This query returns a list of when there is a new Super Chat message in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.
History of Super Stickers
This query returns a list of when there is a new Super Sticker in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.
Get paid members
This query returns paid members for a channel.
Search for videos
This query returns a list of videos that match search criteria.
List playlist videos
This query returns a list of videos from a specified playlist.
List subscriptions
This query returns a list of subscriptions of a specified channel.
List playlists
This query returns a list of playlists for a specified channel.

Actions (Then that)
Create a text post
This action will create a Text Post on Tumblr.
Upload video from URL
This action will publish a video or Short from a given URL to your YouTube channel. Video will be uploaded as a Short or regular video based on the video length and aspect ratio.
Create a link post
This action will create a Link Post at Tumblr.
Create a photo post
This action will create a Photo Post on Tumblr.
Create a quote post
This action will create a quote post at Tumblr.
Create a video post
This action will create a Video Post on Tumblr.
Create an audio post
This action will create an Audio Post on Tumblr.

Tumblr and YouTube resources

Optimize your social media profile by connecting Lnk.Bio with IFTTT
Click to learn how to optimize your social media profile with Lnk.Bio & IFTTT.

Tumblr Applets
Tumblr is an incredibly popular place to host blogs, with over half a billion blogs and millions of visitors to the site each day. Using IFTTT’s integration, it is possible to automate social sharing and increase the reach of your content.

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