Email Me When my cloudbit gets triggered.
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Popular Gmail and littleBits workflows and automations
Push Button
Have my bunny rabbit email me when he wants more kale.
If cloudbit turns on then send an Email
Useful Gmail and littleBits integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Activate Output
This Action will activate the output of your cloudBit for 3 seconds.
Send an email
This Action will send an email to up to twenty recipients from your Gmail account.
Deactivate Output
This Action will deactivate the output of your cloudBit.
Send yourself an email
This action will send yourself an email. HTML, images and links are supported.
Set Output Level
This Action will set the output of your cloudBit to the specified level for the specified length of time.

Activate Output
This Action will activate the output of your cloudBit for 3 seconds.

Send an email
This Action will send an email to up to twenty recipients from your Gmail account.

Deactivate Output
This Action will deactivate the output of your cloudBit.

Send yourself an email
This action will send yourself an email. HTML, images and links are supported.

Set Output Level
This Action will set the output of your cloudBit to the specified level for the specified length of time.
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