If any new SMS received, then send an email to gmail
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Gmail workflows and automations
Share photos you take while in a specific area with friends via Gmail
Notify your neighbour when your mower needs attention
Save all favorited items from Pocket to Evernote FULL ARTICLES using ukeeper.com.
Send recurring Square Cash payments with Google Calendar & Gmail
Receive a Gmail message when a device joins your OnHub network
WordPress Post to Google Plus
If I upload a file to a specific folder in Dropbox, send that file as an email attachment
Trello to Wunderlist
Useful Gmail and Zoho Mail (Europe) integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Send an Email
This action will send an email in ZohoMail
Send an email
This Action will send an email to up to twenty recipients from your Gmail account.
Send an email to yourself
This action will send an email to yourself
Send yourself an email
This action will send yourself an email. HTML, images and links are supported.
Save a draft
This action will save a draft

Send an Email
This action will send an email in ZohoMail

Send an email
This Action will send an email to up to twenty recipients from your Gmail account.

Send an email to yourself
This action will send an email to yourself

Send yourself an email
This action will send yourself an email. HTML, images and links are supported.

Save a draft
This action will save a draft
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