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Greip - Fraud Prevention
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Useful GraspIO and Greip - Fraud Prevention integrations
Triggers (If this)
New Coupon
This trigger fires when a new coupon is created in your Greip Affiliate account.
Trigger when Analog Sensor fires
This trigger fires when the Analog Sensor value matches the specified condition.
New Host Whitelisted
This trigger fires when a new host has been added to your whitelisted hosts allowed to use your Greip API Key.
Trigger when Digital Sensor fires
This trigger fires when the Digital Sensor value matches the specified condition.
Password Changed
This trigger fires when your account password changed.
Subscription Expiry
This trigger fires when your account subscription is about to expire.
Proxy Connection Detected
This trigger fires when a Proxy Connection detected by Greip.
Spam Email Detected
This trigger fires when a spam email address is detected by Greip.
Spam Phone Number Detected
This trigger fires when a new phone number marked as SPAM by Greip.
Profanity Detected
This trigger fires when Greip detects profanity in a specific text.
Fraudulent Payment Detected
This trigger fires when a new Fraudulent payment detected by Greip.
Queries (With)
IP Lookup
This query returns a complete information about a specific IP Address.
Profanity Detection
This query returns the result of detecting profanity in a specific text.
BIN Lookup
This query returns the full information related to a Bank Identification Number.
Email Validation
This query returns the validation results of an email address.
ASN Lookup
This query returns the lookup results of a specific AS Number.
Phone Validation
This query returns the validation results of a phone number.
Actions (Then that)
Run a project
This action will run a project saved in your GraspIO Studio account.
New Coupon
This action will create a new coupon in your Greip Affiliate account.
Display text on OLED screen
This action will display text on the OLED.
Control RGB LED
This action will turn on the RGB LED with the selected color.
This action will alternately display two colors for the selected duration/delay on the LED .
Speak the entered text
This action will make the board speak using the interfaced Speaker.
Capture a photo or GIF
This action will capture a photo or GIF using the interfaced camera.
Control Servo Motor
This action will control the Servo Motor angle and speed.
Control Digital Output ports
This action will control the Digital Output ports on the board.
Beep Buzzer
This action will beep the buzzer by turning it on and off at the desired frequency.
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