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Talk to Alexa to run a project of your choice on Cloudio
Useful GraspIO and myStrom integrations
Triggers (If this)
Button - Pressed
This Trigger fires when Button is pressed.
Trigger when Analog Sensor fires
This trigger fires when the Analog Sensor value matches the specified condition.
Switch - ON/OFF
This Trigger fires when Switch toggles state to ON or OFF.
Trigger when Digital Sensor fires
This trigger fires when the Digital Sensor value matches the specified condition.
Sensor - Motion
This Trigger fires when Motion Sensor detects movement.
Sensor - Brightness
This trigger fires when brightness threshold is crossed.
Sensor - Temp
This trigger fires when temperature threshold is crossed.
Switch - Consumption
This trigger fires when Switch has power usage above or below certain threshold.
Button Plus - Temperature
IFTTT will react to temperature alarm set up for selected Button Plus in native myStrom app
Button Plus - Humidity
IFTTT will react to humidity alarm set up for selected Button Plus in native myStrom app
Queries (With)
History of Button presses
This query returns a list of events when your Button was pressed.
Actions (Then that)
Run a project
This action will run a project saved in your GraspIO Studio account.
myStrom device on
This Action will turn ON one of your myStrom devices.
Display text on OLED screen
This action will display text on the OLED.
myStrom device off
This Action will turn OFF one of your myStrom devices.
Control RGB LED
This action will turn on the RGB LED with the selected color.
Toggle myStrom device
This Action will TOGGLE one of your myStrom devices.
This action will alternately display two colors for the selected duration/delay on the LED .
Change color
This Action will change the color of myStrom WiFi Bulb.
Speak the entered text
This action will make the board speak using the interfaced Speaker.
Set scene
This Action will execute predefined Scene.
Capture a photo or GIF
This action will capture a photo or GIF using the interfaced camera.
Control Servo Motor
This action will control the Servo Motor angle and speed.
Control Digital Output ports
This action will control the Digital Output ports on the board.
Beep Buzzer
This action will beep the buzzer by turning it on and off at the desired frequency.
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together
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