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Other popular Heatzy workflows and automations
mode programme google calendar
Eteindre le radiateur avec withings sleep
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Bouton widget mode manuel
Si radiateur en Hors-gel éteindre les lumières
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Si radiateur en Off éteindre les lumières
Allumer le radiateur lorsque je rentre à la maison
Useful Heatzy and Homey integrations
Triggers (If this)
Device is set to manual mode
This trigger fires when the specified device is set to manual mode
A Flow has been started
This trigger is run every time a specific Flow has been started on Homey. In order to use this Applet you need to be an owner on your Homey and have the IFTTT Homey App installed.
Activate the child lock
This trigger fires when the specified device child lock is activated
Deactivate the child lock
This trigger fires when the specified device child lock is deactivated
Device is set to auto mode
This trigger fires when the specified device is set to auto mode
Device is turned off
This trigger fires when the specified device is turned off
Device is set to eco mode
This trigger fires when the specified device is set to eco mode
Device is set to cool mode
This trigger fires when the specified device is set to cool mode
Device is turned on
This trigger fires when the specified device is turned on
Device is set to heat mode
This trigger fires when the specified device is set to heat mode
Queries (With)
History of A Flow has been started
This query was run when a specific Flow was been started on Homey.
Device turn on history
Device turn on history
Actions (Then that)
Turn off
This action will turn off a specific device
Start a Flow
This Action will start a Flow on Homey.
Activate the child lock
This action will lock a specific device
Start a Flow with Tags
This Action will start a Flow with Tags on Homey. Please install the IFTTT App on Homey and create a Flow that uses the Flow Card Trigger provided by the IFTTT App. You need to be an owner on your Homey in order to use this Applet.
Set manual mode
This action will set a specific device on manual mode
Let Homey speak
This Action will let Homey speak.
Turn on
This action will turn on a specific device
Set heat mode
This action will set a specific device on heat mode
Set cool mode
This action will set a specific device on cool mode
Deactivate the child lock
This action will unlock a specific device
Set eco mode
This action will set a specific device on eco mode
Set auto mode
This action will set a specific device on auto mode
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together
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