Keuken 17
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Homey workflows and automations
Homey, Open iSmartGate
Let Homey speak when your laundry is done
Le pilote lance un flow sur Homey
Homey passe le pilote en mode auto
Power consumption report
Homey flow logs in Google Sheets
Geofencing for Homey, Trigger flow on entering
Start a flow when leavin a area
Useful Homey and Logitech POP integrations
Triggers (If this)
Short Press
This Trigger fires every time you do a short press on the configured Logi Button.
A Flow has been started
This trigger is run every time a specific Flow has been started on Homey. In order to use this Applet you need to be an owner on your Homey and have the IFTTT Homey App installed.
Long Press
This Trigger fires every time you do a long press on the configured Logi Button.
Double Press
This Trigger fires every time you do a double press on the configured Logi Button.

Short Press
This Trigger fires every time you do a short press on the configured Logi Button.

A Flow has been started
This trigger is run every time a specific Flow has been started on Homey. In order to use this Applet you need to be an owner on your Homey and have the IFTTT Homey App installed.

Long Press
This Trigger fires every time you do a long press on the configured Logi Button.

Double Press
This Trigger fires every time you do a double press on the configured Logi Button.
Queries (With)
History of Long Button Presses
This query returns a list of events when you long pressed on the configured Logi Button.
History of A Flow has been started
This query was run when a specific Flow was been started on Homey.
History of double presses
This query returns a list of times when you do a double press on the configured Logi Button.
History of Short Button Presses
This query returns a list of times when you do a short press on the configured Logi Button.

History of Long Button Presses
This query returns a list of events when you long pressed on the configured Logi Button.

History of A Flow has been started
This query was run when a specific Flow was been started on Homey.

History of double presses
This query returns a list of times when you do a double press on the configured Logi Button.

History of Short Button Presses
This query returns a list of times when you do a short press on the configured Logi Button.
Actions (Then that)
Start a Flow
This Action will start a Flow on Homey.
Start a Flow with Tags
This Action will start a Flow with Tags on Homey. Please install the IFTTT App on Homey and create a Flow that uses the Flow Card Trigger provided by the IFTTT App. You need to be an owner on your Homey in order to use this Applet.
Let Homey speak
This Action will let Homey speak.

Start a Flow
This Action will start a Flow on Homey.

Start a Flow with Tags
This Action will start a Flow with Tags on Homey. Please install the IFTTT App on Homey and create a Flow that uses the Flow Card Trigger provided by the IFTTT App. You need to be an owner on your Homey in order to use this Applet.

Let Homey speak
This Action will let Homey speak.
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