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Quickly connect Invoxia GPS Tracker to Litter-Robot by Whisker
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Invoxia GPS Tracker
Litter-Robot by Whisker
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular Invoxia GPS Tracker workflows and automations
Send me an email when significant journey alert is triggered
Invoxia GPS Tracker
Send me a SMS when zone alert is triggered
Invoxia GPS Tracker
Call my phone when zone alert is triggered
Invoxia GPS Tracker
Send me an email when zone alert is triggered
Invoxia GPS Tracker
Send me a SMS when low battery alert is triggered
Invoxia GPS Tracker
Post a tweet when zone alert is triggered
Invoxia GPS Tracker
Send me a SMS when anti-theft alarm is triggered
Invoxia GPS Tracker
Post a tweet when anti-theft alarm is triggered
Invoxia GPS Tracker
Send me a SMS when significant journey alert is triggered
Invoxia GPS Tracker
Useful Invoxia GPS Tracker and Litter-Robot by Whisker integrations
Triggers (If this)
When button is pressed
This trigger fires when you press the button on your Tracker.
Litter Robot Events
This trigger fires when an event is triggered from your litter robot. ie. Clean Cycle Completes
When zone alert is triggered
This trigger fires when a zone alert is triggered.
Litter Robot Insights
This trigger fires every week or month with data about your litter robot insights
When anti-theft alert is triggered
This trigger fires when anti-theft alert is activated.
When low battery alert is triggered
This trigger fires when the battery reaches 20%, and then again when 5% remains.
When significant journey alert is triggered
This trigger fires when a significant journey is detected.
When new location data is available
This trigger fires every time location data is sent by your Tracker.
Queries (With)
History of Litter Robot Events
This query returns a list of events from your litter robot. ie. Clean Cycle Completes
Actions (Then that)
Litter Robot Actions
Actions that can be performed by your Litter Robot
Set Sleep Mode
This action will set the sleep mode on your Litter Robot.
Disable Sleep Mode
This action will remove your litter robot's sleep schedule
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