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Logitech POP
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular Logitech POP workflows and automations
When your Logitech POP is pressed run a My Leviton Activity
My Leviton
When Logitech Pop is pressed, turn on a light in domovea
Press Pop to find your phone!
Logitech POP
Press Pop to flash your Hue lights
Logitech POP
Duble Press your Logitech POP for call your device.
Press Logitech pop to arm away
smanos connect
Press Pop to automatically send an email
Logitech POP
Press your POP to start presentation mode
Logitech POP
Press Pop to color loop your Hue lights
Logitech POP
Useful Logitech POP and LUXORliving integrations
Triggers (If this)
Switch gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected switch is activated.
Short Press
This Trigger fires every time you do a short press on the configured Logi Button.
Blind gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected blind is activated.
Long Press
This Trigger fires every time you do a long press on the configured Logi Button.
Dimmer gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected dimmer is activated.
Double Press
This Trigger fires every time you do a double press on the configured Logi Button.
Scene gets triggered
This trigger fires when the selected scene trigger is activated.
Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time the temperature drops below a value you specify.
Wind alarm not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects no wind alarm.
Wind alarm detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects wind alarm.
Rain not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects that it is not raining.
Frost alarm not detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects no frost alarm.
Frost alarm detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects frost alarm.
Rain detected
This Trigger fires every time your Theben LX Weatherstation detects that it is raining.
Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time the temperature rises above a value you specify.
Queries (With)
History of Long Button Presses
This query returns a list of events when you long pressed on the configured Logi Button.
History of double presses
This query returns a list of times when you do a double press on the configured Logi Button.
History of Short Button Presses
This query returns a list of times when you do a short press on the configured Logi Button.
Actions (Then that)
This action will switch the state of a device.
This action will change the brightness of the specified device.
This action will change the position of your selected shading device
This action will call a scene.
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