Save archived items in Pocket to Evernote
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Pocket workflows and automations
Save Medium stories you've recommended to your Pocket
Automatically save NASA's picture of the day to Pocket
Get the NYT Daily Briefing sent to Pocket every morning to read later
Automatically send an article to a Slack channel when you tag it with a specific tag in Pocket
Save new Pocket items to
Pocket items tagged as pdf to new PDF file in Dropbox
Automatically save links to your new Pocket favorites in Evernote
Save popular NYTimes articles to Pocket
Useful Pocket and QNAP integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new item
This Trigger fires every time any new item is added to Pocket.
New file in your folder
This trigger fires every time when a new file is stored to the selected folder.
New item tagged
This Trigger fires every time you tag an item with a specific tag in Pocket.
New system event
This trigger fires every time a new system event occurs on your QNAP device. This trigger is only available to the device administrator.
New favorite item
This Trigger fires every time you favorite an item in Pocket.
New item archived
This Trigger fires every time an item is archived in Pocket.

Any new item
This Trigger fires every time any new item is added to Pocket.

New file in your folder
This trigger fires every time when a new file is stored to the selected folder.

New item tagged
This Trigger fires every time you tag an item with a specific tag in Pocket.

New system event
This trigger fires every time a new system event occurs on your QNAP device. This trigger is only available to the device administrator.

New favorite item
This Trigger fires every time you favorite an item in Pocket.

New item archived
This Trigger fires every time an item is archived in Pocket.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Download file from URL
This action will download a file from a given URL to your NAS at a path which you specify.
Save for later
This Action will add a new item to your Pocket queue. NOTE: If using an RSS feed Trigger, please limit the number of Pocket saves to no more than a few hundred per week
Append text to file
This action will append to a text file as determined by the filename and folder path you specify. If there is no file present, a new file will be created. Once a file’s size reaches to maximum a new file will be created.
Set user profile picture on QNAP NAS
This action will set/change the user profile picture on QNAP Device.
Control music on QNAP Device via Music Station
This action allows you to control basic music station operations like stop playing current song, play next song in the current playlist and play previous song in the current playlist.
(This action requires IFTTT Agent v1.1 or above, Music Station v5.0.4 or above and Media Streaming addon v430.1.0.3 or above to be installed on your QNAP device)
Play any music station playlist on QNAP Device
This action allows you to play any music station playlist.
(This action requires IFTTT Agent v1.1 or above, Music Station v5.0.4 or above and Media Streaming addon v430.1.0.3 or above to be installed on your QNAP device)
Control surveillance cameras of QNAP Device via Surveillance Station
This action allow the user to control the camera recording via Surveillance Station (Requires IFTTT Agent v1.1 or above and Surveillance Station v5.1.1.2 or above to be installed on your QNAP device)
Control device power
These actions will either shutdown the device, reboot the device or put the device in sleep mode Action Fields.
(This action requires IFTTT Agent v1.1 or above to be installed on your QNAP device)

Download file from URL
This action will download a file from a given URL to your NAS at a path which you specify.

Save for later
This Action will add a new item to your Pocket queue. NOTE: If using an RSS feed Trigger, please limit the number of Pocket saves to no more than a few hundred per week

Append text to file
This action will append to a text file as determined by the filename and folder path you specify. If there is no file present, a new file will be created. Once a file’s size reaches to maximum a new file will be created.

Set user profile picture on QNAP NAS
This action will set/change the user profile picture on QNAP Device.

Control music on QNAP Device via Music Station
This action allows you to control basic music station operations like stop playing current song, play next song in the current playlist and play previous song in the current playlist.
(This action requires IFTTT Agent v1.1 or above, Music Station v5.0.4 or above and Media Streaming addon v430.1.0.3 or above to be installed on your QNAP device)

Play any music station playlist on QNAP Device
This action allows you to play any music station playlist.
(This action requires IFTTT Agent v1.1 or above, Music Station v5.0.4 or above and Media Streaming addon v430.1.0.3 or above to be installed on your QNAP device)

Control surveillance cameras of QNAP Device via Surveillance Station
This action allow the user to control the camera recording via Surveillance Station (Requires IFTTT Agent v1.1 or above and Surveillance Station v5.1.1.2 or above to be installed on your QNAP device)

Control device power
These actions will either shutdown the device, reboot the device or put the device in sleep mode Action Fields.
(This action requires IFTTT Agent v1.1 or above to be installed on your QNAP device)
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