Save an image to Pocket for later
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Pocket workflows and automations
When you save an article in Feedly, save it in Pocket too
Automatically sync the top posts from /r/worldnews on Reddit to your Pocket queue
Save links from Facebook posts with #pocket to Pocket
Keep a running Drive spreadsheet of Pocket articles
Save popular posts from r/TodayILearned in Pocket
Automatically add a new card to Trello when you add a new item to Pocket
Backup Pocket Archive to OneDrive
YT Like to Pocket
Useful Pocket and sendSMS integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new item
This Trigger fires every time any new item is added to Pocket.
New item tagged
This Trigger fires every time you tag an item with a specific tag in Pocket.
New favorite item
This Trigger fires every time you favorite an item in Pocket.
New item archived
This Trigger fires every time an item is archived in Pocket.

Any new item
This Trigger fires every time any new item is added to Pocket.

New item tagged
This Trigger fires every time you tag an item with a specific tag in Pocket.

New favorite item
This Trigger fires every time you favorite an item in Pocket.

New item archived
This Trigger fires every time an item is archived in Pocket.
Actions (Then that)
Send Message
This function is designed to activate the process of sending a Short Message Service (SMS) message to a pre-determined phone number upon receiving a specific request. It seamlessly facilitates the communication by ensuring that the SMS is transmitted efficiently to the designated recipient.
Save for later
This Action will add a new item to your Pocket queue. NOTE: If using an RSS feed Trigger, please limit the number of Pocket saves to no more than a few hundred per week

Send Message
This function is designed to activate the process of sending a Short Message Service (SMS) message to a pre-determined phone number upon receiving a specific request. It seamlessly facilitates the communication by ensuring that the SMS is transmitted efficiently to the designated recipient.

Save for later
This Action will add a new item to your Pocket queue. NOTE: If using an RSS feed Trigger, please limit the number of Pocket saves to no more than a few hundred per week
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