If New feed item from https://www.icloudice.com/atom.xml, then Create a new post
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Triggers (If this)
Other popular Sendie workflows and automations
Useful Sendie and SMS integrations
Triggers (If this)
Send IFTTT any SMS
This Trigger fires every time you send any SMS to your IFTTT phone number.
New post by you
This trigger fires when you make a new public post. Does not fire when you reply, re-post, or post to a room.
Send IFTTT an SMS tagged
Send IFTTT a tagged SMS by adding a hashtag symbol anywhere in the message (e.g. #IFTTT).
New post to room
This trigger fires when anyone posts to a specific room

Send IFTTT any SMS
This Trigger fires every time you send any SMS to your IFTTT phone number.

New post by you
This trigger fires when you make a new public post. Does not fire when you reply, re-post, or post to a room.

Send IFTTT an SMS tagged
Send IFTTT a tagged SMS by adding a hashtag symbol anywhere in the message (e.g. #IFTTT).

New post to room
This trigger fires when anyone posts to a specific room
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together