Other popular Phone Call (US only) workflows and automations
Create new Toodledo tasks from voicemail
Push voice messages to all of your devices
Send #findphone to @IFTTT in Telegram to find your phone
Leave a voice memo on Evernote
Calls my phone w/ reminder to exercise
New IFTTT update? ☎☎☎ me
Automatically receive a motivating wake up call each morning
If it is Christmas, then call my phone and have a robot sing Deck The Halls to me
If I sleep for too long, call and wake me up.
Useful Phone Call (US only) and SMS integrations
Triggers (If this)
Send IFTTT any SMS
This Trigger fires every time you send any SMS to your IFTTT phone number.
Leave IFTTT any voicemail
This Trigger fires every time you leave any voicemail at your IFTTT phone number.
Send IFTTT an SMS tagged
Send IFTTT a tagged SMS by adding a hashtag symbol anywhere in the message (e.g. #IFTTT).

Phone Call (US only) and SMS resources

Our favorite Pro & Pro+ Applets
Click to see our team's favorite Pro & Pro+ Applets!

4 Gmail automations to reduce context switching
IFTTT brings you the best Gmail automations and interrogations to increase productivity and decrease context switching.

4 best scheduling apps for small businesses in 2025
Are you looking to make the most out of scheduling for your small business? IFTTT is here to help. Check out this blog where we discuss the best scheduling softwares and IFTTT automations that make it seamless.

Reddit automations to keep the Karma flowing
Click to learn how to automate Reddit and more Reddit automations!

How to Set Up Philips Hue Without Bridge
Let IFTTT help you set up your Philip Hue Bulbs without Bridge and make the most of you Philip Hue Bulbs with automations and interrogations from IFTTT.

How to run Facebook Lead Ads
Facebook Lead Ads now integrate with IFTTT. Click to learn how to run Facebook Lead Ads with IFTTT!

The best SMS marketing software in 2025
The best SMS marketing software in 2025.

Guide to automating iOS and Android devices
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