Automatically receive an SMS when you get a new Google Form response.
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular SMS workflows and automations
Text Alert when Fingbox detects someone has left
Automatically receive an SMS for all new Google My Business reviews
Text Me When People Moves in Front of Sensor
Send a text when your D-Link water sensor detects a leak warning
Text Me When Door Is Open
Text Me When Too Cold
Receive a text if Phyn sends a leak alert
Text Alert when Fingbox detects someone arrived
Useful SMS and Space integrations
Triggers (If this)
Breaking news by NASA
This Trigger fires every time breaking news is released by NASA.
Send IFTTT any SMS
This Trigger fires every time you send any SMS to your IFTTT phone number.
Image of the day by NASA
This Trigger fires every time NASA posts to the Image of the Day Gallery.
Send IFTTT an SMS tagged
Send IFTTT a tagged SMS by adding a hashtag symbol anywhere in the message (e.g. #IFTTT).
Astronomy picture of the day by NASA
This Trigger fires every time NASA posts a new Astronomy Picture of the Day.
Astronaut enters space
This Trigger fires every time an astronaut enters space.
Astronaut exits space
This Trigger fires every time an astronaut exits space.
ISS on-orbit status report
This Trigger fires every time the International Space Station posts a new On-Orbit Status Report.
Season changes on Mars
This Trigger fires every time the season changes on Mars according to the Curiosity Rover's location.

Breaking news by NASA
This Trigger fires every time breaking news is released by NASA.

Send IFTTT any SMS
This Trigger fires every time you send any SMS to your IFTTT phone number.

Image of the day by NASA
This Trigger fires every time NASA posts to the Image of the Day Gallery.

Send IFTTT an SMS tagged
Send IFTTT a tagged SMS by adding a hashtag symbol anywhere in the message (e.g. #IFTTT).

Astronomy picture of the day by NASA
This Trigger fires every time NASA posts a new Astronomy Picture of the Day.

Astronaut enters space
This Trigger fires every time an astronaut enters space.

Astronaut exits space
This Trigger fires every time an astronaut exits space.

ISS on-orbit status report
This Trigger fires every time the International Space Station posts a new On-Orbit Status Report.

Season changes on Mars
This Trigger fires every time the season changes on Mars according to the Curiosity Rover's location.
Actions (Then that)
SMS and Space resources

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