Fitbit and iOS Health Sync
Popular iOS Health workflows & automations
Automatically sync your sleep readings from Fitbit
Quickly log your weight with a note widget
Sync your Fitbit Aria weigh-ins to Health
Quickly log your sleep
Quickly log a meal with a note widget
When I buy a coffee, log calories to iOS Health
When you reach your Fitbit daily step goal log it as workout in iOS health
Quickly update weight on Health & Strava
Log Weight to Apple Health
If New post in Channel, then log workout
log Km
If New post labeled সবশেষ on your blog, then log sleep
Log weight This action logs body mass in pounds or kilograms to your iPhone's Health app.
Log calories consumed This action logs calories consumed to your iPhone's Health app.
Log workout This action logs a workout to your iPhone's Health app. Choose the type of activity, calories burned, duration, and more to customize your workouts.
Log sleep This action logs sleep to your iPhone's Health app.