If sensor Switch switched off, then Send me an email at leoaalvs@grupoalves.net
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Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
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Useful 2Smart Cloud and Nefit Easy integrations
Triggers (If this)
Turned on
This trigger fires when the selected sensor is enabled.
Room temperature changed
This trigger fires every time the room temperature changes by a pre-selected amount.
This trigger fires when the state of the selected sensor is reversed.
This trigger fires whenever a notification is created by your heating system. This could be a low pressure warning or error message.
Turned off
This trigger fires when the selected sensor is disabled.
Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature drops below a given threshold.
Enum value changed
This trigger fires when the value of the selected enum sensor is changed.
Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature exceeds a given threshold.
Color value changed
This trigger fires when the color value of the selected sensor is changed.
Set any value for string or numeric sensor
This trigger fires when value of the selected sensor is changed.
Set specific value for digital and string sensors
This trigger fires when the value of the selected string or numeric sensor is changed to specific
Set conditional value
This trigger fires when numeric sensor is changed to conditional value.
Status changed
This trigger fires when the device status changes.
Status online
This trigger fires when the device comes online.
Status offline
This trigger fires when the device goes offline.

Turned on
This trigger fires when the selected sensor is enabled.

Room temperature changed
This trigger fires every time the room temperature changes by a pre-selected amount.

This trigger fires when the state of the selected sensor is reversed.

This trigger fires whenever a notification is created by your heating system. This could be a low pressure warning or error message.

Turned off
This trigger fires when the selected sensor is disabled.

Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature drops below a given threshold.

Enum value changed
This trigger fires when the value of the selected enum sensor is changed.

Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature exceeds a given threshold.

Color value changed
This trigger fires when the color value of the selected sensor is changed.

Set any value for string or numeric sensor
This trigger fires when value of the selected sensor is changed.

Set specific value for digital and string sensors
This trigger fires when the value of the selected string or numeric sensor is changed to specific

Set conditional value
This trigger fires when numeric sensor is changed to conditional value.

Status changed
This trigger fires when the device status changes.

Status online
This trigger fires when the device comes online.

Status offline
This trigger fires when the device goes offline.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
This action will disable the selected sensor.
Increase room temperature
This Action will increase the room temperature by a configurable amount.
This action will switch the state of the sensor to the opposite.
Decrease room temperature
This Action will decrease the room temperature by a configurable amount.
This action will enable the selected sensor.
Set room temperature
This Action will set the current room temperature to a level of your choice. This temperature level can be adjusted manually or if Clock Mode is activated.
Setting enum value
This action will allow choosing a value of the enum type sensor.
Set auto mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to auto mode. The auto mode (e.g. clock mode, holiday mode) sets the temperatures accordingly.
Setting color value
This action will allow choosing a color for the sensor.
Set manual mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to manual mode.
Setting string value
This action will allow setting a value of the string type sensor.
Activate overwork timer
This Action will set your room temperature to a new set point for a configurable period.
Setting numeric value
This action will allow setting a value of the numeric type sensor.

This action will disable the selected sensor.

Increase room temperature
This Action will increase the room temperature by a configurable amount.

This action will switch the state of the sensor to the opposite.

Decrease room temperature
This Action will decrease the room temperature by a configurable amount.

This action will enable the selected sensor.

Set room temperature
This Action will set the current room temperature to a level of your choice. This temperature level can be adjusted manually or if Clock Mode is activated.

Setting enum value
This action will allow choosing a value of the enum type sensor.

Set auto mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to auto mode. The auto mode (e.g. clock mode, holiday mode) sets the temperatures accordingly.

Setting color value
This action will allow choosing a color for the sensor.

Set manual mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to manual mode.

Setting string value
This action will allow setting a value of the string type sensor.

Activate overwork timer
This Action will set your room temperature to a new set point for a configurable period.

Setting numeric value
This action will allow setting a value of the numeric type sensor.
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