Get an email with the pic whenever you take a new photo with your Android phone
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Email workflows and automations
Mail me free games with Steam keys posted to /r/gamedeals
Always be prepared for the weather
Get an email with your current location
Get an email with the latest IFTTT updates
Get an email when your EZVIZ camera senses motion
Create Todoist tasks from email
Email yourself the iPhone screenshots you take
Spotify Alarm Clock
Useful Email and Nefit Easy integrations
Triggers (If this)
Room temperature changed
This trigger fires every time the room temperature changes by a pre-selected amount.
Send IFTTT any email
Send IFTTT any email at and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient. This trigger will reject emails with attachments over 30MB.
This trigger fires whenever a notification is created by your heating system. This could be a low pressure warning or error message.
Send IFTTT an email tagged
Send IFTTT an email at with a hashtag in the subject (e.g. #IFTTT) and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment (up to 30MB) and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient.
Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature drops below a given threshold.
Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature exceeds a given threshold.

Room temperature changed
This trigger fires every time the room temperature changes by a pre-selected amount.

Send IFTTT any email
Send IFTTT any email at and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient. This trigger will reject emails with attachments over 30MB.

This trigger fires whenever a notification is created by your heating system. This could be a low pressure warning or error message.

Send IFTTT an email tagged
Send IFTTT an email at with a hashtag in the subject (e.g. #IFTTT) and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment (up to 30MB) and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient.

Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature drops below a given threshold.

Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires when your local room temperature exceeds a given threshold.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Increase room temperature
This Action will increase the room temperature by a configurable amount.
Send me an email
This Action will send you an HTML based email. Images and links are supported.
Decrease room temperature
This Action will decrease the room temperature by a configurable amount.
Set room temperature
This Action will set the current room temperature to a level of your choice. This temperature level can be adjusted manually or if Clock Mode is activated.
Set auto mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to auto mode. The auto mode (e.g. clock mode, holiday mode) sets the temperatures accordingly.
Set manual mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to manual mode.
Activate overwork timer
This Action will set your room temperature to a new set point for a configurable period.

Increase room temperature
This Action will increase the room temperature by a configurable amount.

Send me an email
This Action will send you an HTML based email. Images and links are supported.

Decrease room temperature
This Action will decrease the room temperature by a configurable amount.

Set room temperature
This Action will set the current room temperature to a level of your choice. This temperature level can be adjusted manually or if Clock Mode is activated.

Set auto mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to auto mode. The auto mode (e.g. clock mode, holiday mode) sets the temperatures accordingly.

Set manual mode
This Action will set your Nefit Easy to manual mode.

Activate overwork timer
This Action will set your room temperature to a new set point for a configurable period.
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