Alexa announces missed calls
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Alexa Actions by mkZense workflows and automations
Motion is detected on Wyze Cam , then send IFTTTrigger-2 action to your Alexa device
If alarm event is triggered on Camera, then send IFTTTrigger-1 action to your Alexa device
say "Ok Google, activer la machine à café", then send IFTTTriggercaf action to your Alexa device
Alexa Actions when everyone leaves
Smart Routine Trigger
Prayer time routine on Alexa from mkZense
send IFTTTrigger-2 action to your Alexa device
Calendar based Azaan routine on Alexa
Useful Alexa Actions by mkZense and Honeywell Single-zone Thermostat integrations
Actions (Then that)
Enable quick action
This action will enable a quick action at one of your locations. This can either be permanent or for a number of days/hours.
This service from mkZense will send an action to run a routine on your Alexa device. Use it to add Voice to your Applet.
Disable a quick action
This action will remove any existing quick action at your location and set your heating system to follow the schedule.
Set a zone temperature
This action sets an override on target temperature of one of your zones. This can either be permanently set or just for a number of hours.

Enable quick action
This action will enable a quick action at one of your locations. This can either be permanent or for a number of days/hours.

This service from mkZense will send an action to run a routine on your Alexa device. Use it to add Voice to your Applet.

Disable a quick action
This action will remove any existing quick action at your location and set your heating system to follow the schedule.

Set a zone temperature
This action sets an override on target temperature of one of your zones. This can either be permanently set or just for a number of hours.
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