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Share new"Birding" posts from Birds & Bloom to Discord
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Share new "backyard projects" posts from Birds & Bloom to Twitter
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Use the AI social creator to add new "Gardening" posts from Birds & Bloom to Twitter
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Useful Birds & Bloom and Feedly integrations
Triggers (If this)
New article saved for later
This trigger fires every time a new article is added to your Saved For Later queue.
New post from Birds & Bloom in "Birding"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from Birds & Bloom in "Birding"
New prioritized article
This trigger fires when an article is prioritized by Leo
New post from Birds & Bloom in "Gardening"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from Birds & Bloom in "Gardening"
New article in board
This trigger fires when an article is added to the selected personal or team board
New post from Birds & Bloom in "Backyard Projects"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from Birds & Bloom in "Backyard Projects"
New popular article from category
This trigger fires every time a new popular article from a specific category appears on Feedly.
New note
This trigger fires when you (or a team member) add a note to an article in Feedly.
New highlight
This trigger fires when you (or a team member) highlight text in an article.
New article from category
This trigger fires every time a new article from a specific category appears on Feedly.
New source added
This trigger fires every time you add any new source to Feedly.
Queries (With)
History of sources added
This query returns a list of every time you add any new source to Feedly.
History of articles in board
This query returns a list of when an article is added to the selected personal or team board
History of articles from category
This query returns a list of every time a new article from a specific category appears on Feedly.
History of articles saved for later
This query returns a list of every time a new article is added to your Saved For Later queue.
History of popular articles from category
This query returns a list of every time a new popular article from a specific category appears on Feedly.
History of prioritized articles
This query returns a list of when an article is prioritized by Leo
History of highlights
This query returns a list of when you (or a team member) highlight text in an article.
History of notes
This query returns a list of when you (or a team member) add a note to an article in Feedly.
Actions (Then that)
Save an article for later
This action will add a new article URL to your Saved For Later queue.
Add an article to a personal board
This action will add an article to the selected personal board
Add an article to a team board
This action will add an article to the selected team board (requires a Feedly Teams subscription)
Add a new source
This action will attempt to add a new source from a feed or page URL.
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