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Useful Birds & Bloom and Pushcut integrations
Triggers (If this)
New post from Birds & Bloom in "Birding"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from Birds & Bloom in "Birding"
Action Executed
This trigger fires when a server action is executed in Pushcut.
New post from Birds & Bloom in "Gardening"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from Birds & Bloom in "Gardening"
New post from Birds & Bloom in "Backyard Projects"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from Birds & Bloom in "Backyard Projects"
Actions (Then that)
Send a notification
This action will send a smart notification to your devices.
Automation Server: Execute a shortcut
This action will execute a shortcut on the Automation Server.
Automation Server: Execute a HomeKit scene
This action will execute a HomeKit scene on the Automation Server.
Send a customized notification with JSON
This action will send a smart notification with JSON configuration for customization.
Update a widget
This action will update the configuration of a widget.
Update a widget (to open a URL when tapped)
This action will update the configuration of a widget and set the "on tap" action to open a URL.
Update a widget (to run a HomeKit Scene when tapped)
This action will update the configuration of a widget and set the "on tap" action to run a HomeKit Scene.
Update a widget (to run a Shortcut when tapped)
This action will update the configuration of a widget and set the "on tap" action to run a Shortcut.
Update a widget (to run an Integration when tapped)
This action will update the configuration of a widget and set the "on tap" action to run an Integration.
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