Other popular AI Facebook Assistant workflows and automations
Facebook post generator
Use AI to generate a Facebook post based on my blog's title, then publish it there.
Use AI to generate a Facebook post based on my WordPress blog title, then publish it there.
Generate Facebook hashtags in a Google Doc with the note widget
Facebook ad copy generator in ClickUp
AI-Generated Facebook Post for Every New WordPress Article
Use AI to generate a Facebook post based on my Medium post title, then publish it there.
Use AI to generate a Facebook post based on a new YouTube video, then publish it there.
Automatically tailor my Instagram posts for Facebook, then post them to my page
Useful AI Facebook Assistant and AI Twitter Assistant integrations
Queries (With)
Tweet generator
This query will draft a tweet based on a topic while employing best writing practices for Twitter.
Facebook tailor
This query will optimize an existing social media post for Facebook utilizing best writing practices for the Facebook audience and platform.
Tweet tailor
This query will optimize an existing social media post for Twitter's format specifications and best practices, ensuring it resonates with Twitter's audience and adopts the platform's written style.
Facebook post
This query will generate a post based on a topic while employing best writing practices for Facebook.
Twitter bio generator
This query will craft the perfect bio for your Twitter profile.
Facebook ad copy generator
This query will return ad copy for Facebook Ads Manager based on a topic. This includes five variations of primary text, three variations of headline text, and one description.
Twitter thread
This query will draft a Twitter thread with up to 8 parts, each tweet connected to form a cohesive narrative that provides context, updates, or extended insights.
Facebook hashtag generator
This query will generate five hashtag suggestions for
Facebook based on a topic.
Twitter hashtag generator
This query will generate five hashtag suggestions for
Twitter based on a topic.
Facebook event copy generator
This query will return an event name and description for your Facebook event.

AI Facebook Assistant and AI Twitter Assistant resources

IFTTT AI services
Automate your business with IFTTT's AI tools!

How to connect your first Applet
Learn how to connect your first automation, called an Applet, on IFTTT. There are two easy ways to create Applets and integrate your favorite services. Find an Applet in our vast library or make your own custom Applet in a few quick and ...

How to share your TikTok videos across multiple platforms
How to share your TikTok videos across multiple platforms

Five easy steps to repost on TikTok
Interested in scaling your TikTok videos? Click to learn five easy steps to repost on TikTok and how to automate the process!

How an IFTTTer automatically shares their blog
IFTTT can now help bloggers automatically promote their blog. Click to learn more!

How to make your Twitter account private in 5 easy steps
Twitter is a great way to share your thoughts and connect with people around the world, but sometimes you may want more privacy. A private Twitter account means that only approved followers can see your tweets. This can be helpful if you...