Get an email when relevant news is published by the Department of Labor
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
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Post the Department of Labor's monthly CPI to Trello
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Recibe un email con las últimas noticias del Department of Labor
Get an email when the Department of Labor posts a new video
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Post the Department of Labor's monthly PPI to Trello
Post the Department of Labor's monthly Employment Situation to Trello
Useful Department of Labor and Telegram integrations
Triggers (If this)
New message with key phrase to @IFTTT
This trigger fires when you send a text message with a key phrase to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
News releases
This trigger fires when a news release is published by the Department of Labor.
New photo to @IFTTT on Telegram
This trigger fires when you send a photo to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
News releases (en Español)
This trigger fires when a news release is published by the Department of Labor (en Español).
New message with key phrase in a group
This trigger fires when a user sends a message with the /ifttt command and a key phrase to the source group.
New Employment Situation published
This trigger fires when the Employment Situation report is released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
New message in a group
This trigger fires when any user sends the /ifttt command to the source group.
New Consumer Price Index monthly release
This trigger fires when the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is released monthly by the Department of Labor.
New post in your channel
This trigger fires when a new message is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
New Producer Price Index monthly release
This trigger fires when the monthly Producer Price Index (PPI) report is published by the Department of Labor.
New photo in your channel
This trigger fires when a new photo is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
New video uploaded
This trigger fires when a new video is uploaded to YouTube by the Department of Labor.

New message with key phrase to @IFTTT
This trigger fires when you send a text message with a key phrase to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.

News releases
This trigger fires when a news release is published by the Department of Labor.

New photo to @IFTTT on Telegram
This trigger fires when you send a photo to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.

News releases (en Español)
This trigger fires when a news release is published by the Department of Labor (en Español).

New message with key phrase in a group
This trigger fires when a user sends a message with the /ifttt command and a key phrase to the source group.

New Employment Situation published
This trigger fires when the Employment Situation report is released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

New message in a group
This trigger fires when any user sends the /ifttt command to the source group.

New Consumer Price Index monthly release
This trigger fires when the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is released monthly by the Department of Labor.

New post in your channel
This trigger fires when a new message is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.

New Producer Price Index monthly release
This trigger fires when the monthly Producer Price Index (PPI) report is published by the Department of Labor.

New photo in your channel
This trigger fires when a new photo is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.

New video uploaded
This trigger fires when a new video is uploaded to YouTube by the Department of Labor.
Queries (With)
History of messages in a group
This query returns a list of when any user sends the /ifttt command to the source group.
History of Consumer Price Index monthly releases
This query returns a list of when the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is released monthly by the Department of Labor.
History of photos to @IFTTT on Telegram
This query returns a list of when you send a photo to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
History of Employment Situation published
This query returns a list of when the Employment Situation report is released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
History of messages with key phrase in a group
This query returns a list of when a user sends a message with the /ifttt command and a key phrase to the source group.
History of news releases
This query returns a list of when a news release is published by the Department of Labor.
History of photos in your channel
This query returns a list of when a new photo is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
History of Producer Price Index monthly releases
This query returns a list of when the monthly Producer Price Index (PPI) report is published by the Department of Labor.
History of messages with key phrase to @IFTTT
This query returns a list of when you send a text message with a key phrase to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
History of video uploads
This query returns a list of when a new video is uploaded to YouTube by the Department of Labor.
History of posts in your channel
This query returns a list of when a new message is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
History of news releases (en Español)
This query returns a list of when a news release is published by the Department of Labor (en Español).

History of messages in a group
This query returns a list of when any user sends the /ifttt command to the source group.

History of Consumer Price Index monthly releases
This query returns a list of when the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is released monthly by the Department of Labor.

History of photos to @IFTTT on Telegram
This query returns a list of when you send a photo to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.

History of Employment Situation published
This query returns a list of when the Employment Situation report is released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

History of messages with key phrase in a group
This query returns a list of when a user sends a message with the /ifttt command and a key phrase to the source group.

History of news releases
This query returns a list of when a news release is published by the Department of Labor.

History of photos in your channel
This query returns a list of when a new photo is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.

History of Producer Price Index monthly releases
This query returns a list of when the monthly Producer Price Index (PPI) report is published by the Department of Labor.

History of messages with key phrase to @IFTTT
This query returns a list of when you send a text message with a key phrase to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.

History of video uploads
This query returns a list of when a new video is uploaded to YouTube by the Department of Labor.

History of posts in your channel
This query returns a list of when a new message is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.

History of news releases (en Español)
This query returns a list of when a news release is published by the Department of Labor (en Español).
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