Connect Evernote to Google Sheets and unlock powerful automations

Popular Evernote and Google Sheets workflows and automations

Useful Evernote and Google Sheets integrations

Evernote and Google Sheets resources

The 8 best apps for freelance writers in 2025

The 8 best apps for freelance writers in 2025

Explore our recommendations for the best apps for freelance writers and learn how you can build helpful automations quickly with IFTTT.

How a freelancer automates their tutoring business with IFTTT

How a freelancer automates their tutoring business with IFTTT

IFTTT can now help teams and businesses alike automate their tutoring business. Click to learn more!

10 Best Productivity Apps for 2025

10 Best Productivity Apps for 2025

IFTTT has helped over 30,000,000 people become more productive by automating their life. Click to learn about the 10 best productivity apps for 2025.

Guide to Organizing and Saving Articles

Guide to Organizing and Saving Articles

Become the most productive person in the room by creating the Ultimate Calendar Automation Applet.

Automate New Year’s Resolutions

Automate New Year’s Resolutions

Most New Year’s resolutions fail by mid-January, after our first few weeks of trying to create new habits and completing tasks with gusto, we lose steam and life catches up. Strava data has demonstrated that there is a dramatic drop that...

How an IFTTTer automates their Twitch

How an IFTTTer automates their Twitch

Twitch is one of the most popular services on IFTTT. Automate your Twitch today!

How to export Trello to Google Sheets

How to export Trello to Google Sheets

Learn how to export your Trello boards to Google Sheets automatically. Set up this integration in minutes with IFTTT.

Webflow vs WordPress: Which is the better website builder?

Webflow vs WordPress: Which is the better website builder?

If you're building a website, you definitely need to look into Webflow vs Wordpress. Click to learn the differences!

ClickUp vs. Trello: Which is best for small teams?

ClickUp vs. Trello: Which is best for small teams?

Torn between Clickup vs Trello? Check out our guide on which has the best features and automations that can be quickly set up in IFTTT!

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together