Popular Evernote and YouTube workflows and automations
YouTube To Evernote
Save All your video liked in Evernote
Liked YouTube Videos append to a note in Evernote
Youtube To Evernote
YT to Evernote
YouTube to Evernote
Useful Evernote and YouTube integrations
Triggers (If this)
New video from search
This Trigger fires every time a video is published that matches a search query.
New note in a notebook
This Trigger fires every time you create a new note in a specific notebook.
New liked video
This Trigger fires every time you like a video on YouTube.
Add a specific tag to note
This Trigger fires every time you add a specific tag to any of your notes.
You subscribe to a channel
This trigger fires when a new subscription is made by you, or another specific channel.
New video by channel
This Trigger fires every time a specific channel publishes a video.
New playlist
This trigger fires when a new playlist is created by a specific channel.
New public video uploaded by you
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public video to YouTube.
New public video from subscriptions
This Trigger fires every time a specific user you are subscribed to makes a new video public.
New Super Chat message
This trigger fires when there is a new Super Chat message in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.
New channel membership
This trigger fires when there is a new membership for your channel.
New Super Sticker
This trigger fires when there is a new Super Sticker in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.

Queries (With)
History of liked videos
This query returns a list of every time you like a video on YouTube.
History of public videos uploaded by you
This query returns a list of every time you upload a new public video to YouTube.
History of public videos from subscriptions
This query returns a list of every time a specific user you are subscribed to makes a new video public.
History of channel memberships
This query returns a list of when there is a new membership for your channel.
History of Super Chat messages
This query returns a list of when there is a new Super Chat message in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.
History of Super Stickers
This query returns a list of when there is a new Super Sticker in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.
Get paid members
This query returns paid members for a channel.
Search for videos
This query returns a list of videos that match search criteria.
List playlist videos
This query returns a list of videos from a specified playlist.
List subscriptions
This query returns a list of subscriptions of a specified channel.
List playlists
This query returns a list of playlists for a specified channel.

Actions (Then that)
Create a note
This Action will create a new note in the notebook you specify.
Upload video from URL
This action will publish a video or Short from a given URL to your YouTube channel. Video will be uploaded as a Short or regular video based on the video length and aspect ratio.
Append to note
This Action will append to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.
Append a to-do to note
This Action will append a to-do checkbox to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.
Create a link note
This Action will create a new link note from a source URL in the notebook you specify.
Create image note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an image attachment in the notebook you specify.
Create an audio note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an audio attachment in the notebook you specify.

Evernote and YouTube resources

The 7 best apps for content creators in 2025
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How to link instagram to Facebook Business Page. Connect Instagram and Facebook quickly. Automate Instagram and Facebook with 1000 different tools with IFTTT.

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How to create an engaging YouTube playlist
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