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Other popular Fitbit workflows and automations
Save your Fitbit sleep logs to a Google Spreadsheet
Log your Fitbit weight to Strava
Motivational Text for Achieving Steps Goal
Send a daily summary of #FitBit activity to #Evernote
When I achieve my daily goal with FitBit, flash my Philips Hue lights
Notification of yesterday's activities.
Email me my Daily Activity Summary
Sync weight measurements to Fitbit
Save money every time you hit your distance goal
Useful Fitbit and Timelines integrations
Triggers (If this)
Daily activity summary
This Trigger fires every time your Fitbit tracker syncs for the first time today and your previous day's stats are available.
Daily step goal achieved
This Trigger fires every time you achieve your daily step goal.
Daily distance goal achieved
This Trigger fires every time you achieve your daily distance goal.
Daily floors climbed goal achieved
This Trigger fires every time you achieve your daily floors climbed goal. NOTE: only available for Fitbit Ultra and One.
Daily calorie burn goal achieved
This Trigger fires when you achieve your daily calorie burn goal.
Daily very active minutes goal achieved
This Trigger fires every time you achieve your daily very active minutes goal.
Daily goal not achieved by __:__
This Trigger fires every time you do not achieve a daily goal you choose at the time you specify. NOTE: Updated on the first Fitbit tracker sync after the time you specify.
New weight logged
This Trigger fires every time you log your weight in the Fitbit app or with the Aria scale.
New sleep logged
This Trigger fires every time your Fitbit logs new sleep.
Sleep duration above
This Trigger fires every time you log sleep above the target hours you specify.
Sleep duration below
This Trigger fires every time you log sleep below the target hours you specify.
Queries (With)
History of when the daily distance goal was achieved
This query returns a list of when you have achieved your daily distance goal.
Get all Events of a Timeline
Select all Events of a Timeline.
History of daily goal not being achieved by __:__
This query returns a list of when you did not achieve a daily goal you chose by the time you specified. NOTE: Updated on the first Fitbit tracker sync after the time you specified.
History of achieved very active minutes goals
This query returns a list of events when you achieved your very active minute goals.
History of daily calorie burn goal achieved
This query returns a list of when you achieve your daily calorie burn goal.
History of Sleep duration above threshold
This query returns a list of events when you logged sleep above the target hours you specified. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of sleep duration below
This query returns a list of when you log sleep below the target hours you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of daily step goal achieved
This query returns a list of when you achieve your daily step goal.
History of weight logged
This query returns a list of when you logged your weight in the Fitbit app or with the Aria scale.
History of sleep logged
This query returns a list of when your Fitbit logs new sleep.
History of Daily Activity Summaries
This query returns a list of Daily Activity Summary events from your Fitbit.
History of daily floors climbed goal achieved
This query returns a list of when you achieve your daily floors climbed goal. NOTE: only available for Fitbit Ultra and One.
Actions (Then that)
Create a new Event
This action will create a new Timeline Event.
Log your weight
This Action will log a new weight measurement to Fitbit.
Create a new Event with Values
This action will create a new Timeline Event with Values to track.
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