Other popular Notifications workflows and automations
Before go to sleep, get the weather for the next day!
Get a notification if it's hot tomorrow
Get notified of stock price decreases
Alert me of free games with Steam keys posted to /r/gamedeals
Get a daily 6:00 AM notification with the weather report
WIFI on mobile data off
Get the weather forecast every day at 7:00 AM
Receive a notification when the temperature drops below a certain threshold
Congratulate my birthday!
Useful Notifications and Threads integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new post by you
This trigger fires when you post any new post on Threads.
New text post by you
This trigger fires when you post a new text post on Threads.
New image post by you
This trigger fires when you post a new image post on Threads.
New video post by you
This triggers fire when you post a new video post.
New carousel post by you
This triggers fire when you post a new carousel (multiple media) post.

Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Create a text post
This action will create a text post on Threads.
Send a notification from the IFTTT app
This action will send a notification to your devices from the IFTTT app.
Create a link post
This action will create a link post on Threads.
Send a rich notification from the IFTTT app
This action will send a rich notification to your devices from the IFTTT app. Rich notifications may include a title, image, and link that opens in a browser or installed app.
Create an image post
This action will create an image post on Threads.
Send a rich notification to the IFTTT mobile widget
This action will send a rich notification to IFTTT mobile widget installed on your devices. Rich notifications may include a title, image, and link that opens in a browser or installed app.
Create a video post
This action will create a video post on Threads.
Create a carousel (multiple media) post
This action will create a carousel (multiple media) post on Threads. At least two items are required in the carousel.

Notifications and Threads resources

Top Discord automations of 2025
Discord is a great way to connect with different communities around the world. Using IFTTT, you can automate notifications or share the latest updates from other sources. Whether you want to share your latest YouTube video as soon as it ...

What’s the difference between Discord and Slack?
In this article, we will explore the differences between Discord and Slack, allowing you to make an informed decision about which platform is best suited for your needs.

What is Asana and how can it boost your productivity
Asana is a web-based platform that enables individuals or teams to track tasks and manage projects, all in one easy-to-use platform. Click to learn more!

How to build an online community with the tree method
Click to learn how to build an online community with the Tree Method

How to Get Followers on X (Twitter) in 2025
X (Twitter) continues to be a popular social media platform where it is possible to build a brand and online profile. We share our tops tips on how to increase your Twitter following in a sustainable, automated, and consistent way.

11 Best Twitter Automation Tools for 2025
Choosing X automation tools can be overwhelming. IFTTT is here to teach you how to make the most of them using IFTTT.