Receive a notification if there is a high pollen count in your area
Start today
Other popular Notifications workflows and automations
- Car Location Saver
- Get a daily 6:00 AM notification with the weather report
- Phone Locator (using Alexa & Macrodroid)
- Text me the weather every morning
- If connect/disconnect from any wifi... Get a notification.
- Before go to sleep, get the weather for the next day!
- iOS push notification for NASA image of the day
- Reminder to turn off WiFi when disconnected
Useful Notifications and Wattio SmartHome integrations
Actions (Then that)
- GATE - Switch security offThis Action will switch off your security device.
- Send a notification from the IFTTT appThis action will send a notification to your devices from the IFTTT app.
- GATE - Switch security onThis Action will switch on a security device.
- Send a rich notification from the IFTTT appThis action will send a rich notification to your devices from the IFTTT app. Rich notifications may include a title, image, and link that opens in a browser or installed app.
- GATE - Switch all security offThis Action will switch off all your security devices.
- Send a rich notification to the IFTTT mobile widgetThis action will send a rich notification to IFTTT mobile widget installed on your devices. Rich notifications may include a title, image, and link that opens in a browser or installed app.
- GATE - Switch all security onThis Action will switch on all your security devices.
- POD - Switch onThis Action will switch on the POD.
- POD - Switch offThis Action will switch off the POD.
- POD - Toggle on/offThis Action will toggle the POD on or off.
- THERMIC - Set temperatureThis Action will set the temperature to the selected level in THERMIC.
- THERMIC - Set modeThis Action will set the THERMIC to the selected mode.
- AIR - Switch onSwitch AIR On
- AIR - Switch offSwitch Wattio AIR off
- AIR - Set modeSet Wattio AIR mode
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together