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InOut WhatsApp Receive/Send Message
Weather Underground
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Useful InOut WhatsApp Receive/Send Message and Weather Underground integrations
Triggers (If this)
Today's weather report
This Trigger retrieves today's current weather report within 5 minutes of the time you specify. NOTE: Pollen count available only in the USA.
Specific WhatsApp message was received
This trigger fires when a specific WhatsApp message is received. The rest of messages are ignored.
Tomorrow's weather report
This Trigger retrieves tomorrow's weather report within 5 minutes of the time you specify, depending on when forecast data is updated.
Any WhatsApp message was received
This trigger fires when a WhatsApp message is received no matter the content.
Current temperature drops below
This Trigger monitors your local temperature and fires whenever the temperature drops below the value you provide.
Current temperature rises above
This Trigger monitors your local temperature and fires whenever the temperature rises above the value you provide.
Current condition changes to
This Trigger monitors changes in the current weather condition. When one of those conditions is met the Trigger fires. Currently only these simple conditions are supported: Rain, Snow, Cloudy, Clear.
Tomorrow's low drops below
This Trigger fires every time tomorrow’s forecasted low temperature drops below a value you provide.
Tomorrow's high rises above
This Trigger fires every time tomorrow’s forecasted high temperature rises above a value you provide.
Tomorrow's forecast calls for
This Trigger monitors changes in tomorrow’s forecasted weather condition.
This Trigger fires within 15 minutes of the sunrise in your location.
This Trigger fires within 15 minutes of the sunset in your location.
Wind speed rises above
This Trigger fires every time the wind speed rises above a value you specify in your location.
Current pollen count rises above
This Trigger monitors your local pollen levels and fires every time the pollen count rises above the value you specify (1-12). NOTE: Available only in the USA.
Current humidity level rises above
This Trigger monitors your local humidity and fires every time the humidity rises above the value you specify.
Current UV index rises above
This Trigger monitors your local UV levels and fires every time the UV index rises above the value you specify (0-16).
Queries (With)
Current weather
Get the current weather
Two day forecast
Two day forecast
History of humidity level rose above threshold
This query monitors your local humidity and returns a list of times when the humidity rose above the value you specified. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of Wind speed rose above threshold
This query returns a list of times when the wind speed rose above a value you specify in your location. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of pollen count rose above threshold
This query monitors your local pollen levels and returns a list of times when the pollen count rose above the value you specified (1-12). NOTE: Available only in the USA. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of Tomorrow's Forecast was above threshold alerts
This query returns a list of times when tomorrows forecasted high temperature rose above a value you provided. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of Tomorrow's Forecast drops below alerts
This query returns a list of alerts when tomorrows forecasted low temperature dropped below a value you provided. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of temperatre rose above threshold
This query monitors your local temperature and returns a list of times when the temperature rose above the value you provided. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of temperature dropped below threshold
This query monitors your local temperature and returns a list of times when the temperature dropped below the value you provide. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of UV index rose above threshold
This query monitors your local UV levels and returns a list of times when the UV index rose above the value you specified (0-16). Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of Sunrises
This query returns a history of sunrises in your location. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of Sunsets
This query returns a history of sunsets at your location.
History of specified weather conditions
This query returns a list of times when the observed weather changed to meet a specific condition (Rain, Snow, Cloudy, or Clear).
History of specified forecast conditions
This query returns a list of times when the forecasted weather changed to meet a specific condition (Rain, Snow, Cloudy, or Clear).
Actions (Then that)
Send Message
This action will Send a WhatsApp text message to your number.
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