Other popular Instagram workflows and automations
Post your Instagram videos to Twitter
Save photos from Instagram to camera roll
Post Instagram photos to Blogger
Share your Instagram photos on Twitter with a preview image linked to your Instagram content
Share my instagram photos on bit.ly
Post your Instagram videos to Tumblr
Share photos to Discord
Post your Instagram photos to Wordpress
Post your Instagram photos to Flickr
Useful Instagram and Mailchimp integrations
Triggers (If this)
New campaign sent
This Trigger fires every time you send a new campaign on MailChimp.
Any new photo by you
This Trigger fires every time you share any new photo on Instagram.
New campaign scheduled
This Trigger fires every time there is a new campaign scheduled on MailChimp.
New photo by you with specific hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you share a photo on Instagram with a hashtag you specify.
Campaign summary available
This Trigger fires every time there is a new campaign summary available.
Any new video by you
This Trigger fires every time you share any new video on Instagram.
New subscriber
This Trigger fires every time there is a new subscriber added to a list. NOTE: Limited to 50 subscribers per check
New video by you with specific hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you share a video on Instagram with the hashtag you specify.
New unsubscribed email
This Trigger fires every time there is a new unsubscribed email address in a list. NOTE: Limited to 50 unsubscribed email addresses per check

Queries (With)
History of campaigns scheduled
This query returns a list of every time there is a new campaign scheduled on MailChimp.
History of campaign summary available
This query returns a list of when there was a new campaign summary available.
History of subscribers
This query returns a list of every time there is a new subscriber added to a list. NOTE: Limited to 50 subscribers per check
History of unsubscribed emails
This query returns a list of every time there is a new unsubscribed email address in a list. NOTE: Limited to 50 unsubscribed email addresses per check
History of campaigns sent
This query returns a list of every time you send a new campaign on MailChimp.

Instagram and Mailchimp resources

Calendly vs Acuity: Which is best for a small team?
Looking for a scheduling software for your small team? IFTTT is here to compare Calendly vs Acuity.

How to automate scheduling tasks to improve productivity
Explore the differences between scheduling tasks and automating scheduled tasks. IFTTT is here to help you discover what tasks should be scheduled instead of automated, as well as step-by-step instructions for automating scheduling tasks...

What is Jotform? Everything you need to know
Click to learn what is Jotform and how to use it!

How to automate scheduling tasks to improve productivity
Explore the differences between scheduling tasks and automating scheduled tasks. IFTTT is here to help you discover what tasks should be scheduled instead of automated, as well as step-by-step instructions for automating scheduling tasks...

How much do Google Ads cost?
The is the ultimate guide to understanding how much Google Ads cost. Click to learn more!

What is influencer marketing and how does it work?
Click to learn What is Influencer Marketing and How Does it Work?

What is Constant Contact? + Constant Contact pricing
Click to learn about Constant Contact and pricing for the marketing tool.

When should you automate a task? Read this.
If you are an aspiring productive person or small business owner, you are always trying to become more efficient. Understanding when is the best way to automate a task is crucial. Click to learn what to look for when trying to automate y...

How IFTTT can help your business
Click to learn how IFTTT can help your business!