Other popular Instagram workflows and automations
Post your Instagram photos to Tumblr
tweet my instagram video
Post your Instagram photos to Flickr
Automatically upload your Instagrams to a Facebook Page Album
Share your Instagram photos on Twitter with a preview image linked to your Instagram content
Post Instagram photos to Blogger
Instagram videos to YouTube
Save your Instagram videos to Dropbox
Send your Instagram photos to OneNote
Useful Instagram and SMS integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new photo by you
This Trigger fires every time you share any new photo on Instagram.
Send IFTTT any SMS
This Trigger fires every time you send any SMS to your IFTTT phone number.
New photo by you with specific hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you share a photo on Instagram with a hashtag you specify.
Send IFTTT an SMS tagged
Send IFTTT a tagged SMS by adding a hashtag symbol anywhere in the message (e.g. #IFTTT).
Any new video by you
This Trigger fires every time you share any new video on Instagram.
New video by you with specific hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you share a video on Instagram with the hashtag you specify.

Actions (Then that)
Instagram and SMS resources

How to run Facebook Lead Ads
Facebook Lead Ads now integrate with IFTTT. Click to learn how to run Facebook Lead Ads with IFTTT!

Reddit automations to keep the Karma flowing
Click to learn how to automate Reddit and more Reddit automations!

Best digital signature apps (free and paid)
Are you looking for a convenient way to sign documents without having to print, sign, and scan them? Digital signatures are the solution - quick, easy, and secure. Click to find the best digital signature apps!

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Wanting to incorporate your business? Click to read S-Corp vs C-Corp and How to Decide What's Best.

What is Constant Contact? + Constant Contact pricing
Click to learn about Constant Contact and pricing for the marketing tool.

How to delete a Spotify Account
Need help deleting your Spotify account? We got you covered. Click to learn how to delete your Spotify account.