Notify when a new card assigned to me
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular LINE workflows and automations
Send a message to a Line group
Quickly send a LINE message with the Note widget
Get notified on Line and Gmail if a new system error event occurs on your QNAP device
Share the quote of the day with someone on LINE
If new public video from subscriptions, then send message
Useful LINE and Tracmo integrations
Triggers (If this)
tracMo is connected
This trigger fires every time your tracMo is re-connected.
Motion detected on tracMo
This trigger fires when you get motion alerts from tracMo.
tracMo is disconnected
This trigger fires every time your tracMo is disconnected.
Button click
This trigger fires every time you click the button on your tracMo.

tracMo is connected
This trigger fires every time your tracMo is re-connected.

Motion detected on tracMo
This trigger fires when you get motion alerts from tracMo.

tracMo is disconnected
This trigger fires every time your tracMo is disconnected.

Button click
This trigger fires every time you click the button on your tracMo.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
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