Dictate to Evernote
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Other popular Phone Call (US only) workflows and automations
Automatically receive a motivating wake up call each morning
Dictate voice notes that get transcribed into Todoist tasks
If the baby starts crying, then call me.
Heart Rate Emergency
Get a phone call the morning of your wedding day reminding you to enjoy the small moments
Hotel Wakeup Call
Talk to the cloud: voicemail = SkyDrive mp3
Call your IFTTT number to leave a voicemail and it will upload as a private track
Useful Phone Call (US only) and Pushsafer integrations
Triggers (If this)
Title & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications title contains a phrase you specify and device id matches.
Leave IFTTT any voicemail
This Trigger fires every time you leave any voicemail at your IFTTT phone number.
Message & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications message contains a phrase you specify and device id matches.
Title, Message & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications title and message contains a phrase you specify and device id matches.
Icon & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications icon id and device id matches.
Icon Color & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications icon color and device id matches.
Icon, Icon Color & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications icon, icon color and device id matches.
Sound & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications sound id and device id matches.
Priority & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications priority and device id matches.
Title, Priority & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications title contains a phrase you specify and priority and device id matches.
Message, Priority & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications message contains a phrase you specify and priority and device id matches.

Title & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications title contains a phrase you specify and device id matches.

Leave IFTTT any voicemail
This Trigger fires every time you leave any voicemail at your IFTTT phone number.

Message & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications message contains a phrase you specify and device id matches.

Title, Message & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications title and message contains a phrase you specify and device id matches.

Icon & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications icon id and device id matches.

Icon Color & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications icon color and device id matches.

Icon, Icon Color & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications icon, icon color and device id matches.

Sound & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications sound id and device id matches.

Priority & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications priority and device id matches.

Title, Priority & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications title contains a phrase you specify and priority and device id matches.

Message, Priority & Device
This trigger fires when the push-notifications message contains a phrase you specify and priority and device id matches.
Queries (With)
History of message & device
This query returns a list of when the push-notifications message contains a phrase you specify and device id matches.
History of Title, Priority & Device
This query returns a list of when the push-notifications title contains a phrase you specify and priority and device id matches.
History of recent Icon & Device events
This query returns a list recent events of when the push-notifications icon id and device id matched.
History of Sound & Device matches
This query returns a list of instances when the push-notifications sound id and device id matches.

History of message & device
This query returns a list of when the push-notifications message contains a phrase you specify and device id matches.

History of Title, Priority & Device
This query returns a list of when the push-notifications title contains a phrase you specify and priority and device id matches.

History of recent Icon & Device events
This query returns a list recent events of when the push-notifications icon id and device id matched.

History of Sound & Device matches
This query returns a list of instances when the push-notifications sound id and device id matches.
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