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Philips Hue
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Popular ComEd and Philips Hue workflows and automations
Average Price Change - Philips Hue Lights: Change color of my Hue bulbs when price comes down
Peak Time Savings (PTS) - Philips Hue Lights: Turn off when ComEd PTS Hours begin
Average Price Change - Philips Hue Lights: Change color of my Hue bulbs when price exceeds setting
Useful ComEd and Philips Hue integrations
Triggers (If this)
Change in Average Price
This trigger fires for an account that is on a dynamic pricing plan such as the Residential Hourly Pricing program or other real time market rates whenever the average price changes.
Peak Time Savings - Savings Hours Announced
This trigger activates whenever Peak Time Savings Hours are announced and during various stages of an event.
Queries (With)
Get Lights
This query returns all lights of the bridge.
Actions (Then that)
Set a scene in a room
This Action well set a scene on your hue lights. NOTE: in order to add lights to a room, you must be using the newest version of the Hue app
Turn on lights
This Action will turn on your hue lights.
Turn off lights
This Action will turn off your hue lights.
Toggle lights on/off
This Action will toggle your hue lights on or off.
Blink lights
This Action will briefly turn your hue lights off then back on.
Dim lights
This Action will dim or brighten your hue lights to a value between 0-100.
Change color
This Action will change the color of your hue lights. NOTE: Accepts color names and CSS hex color values. Defaults to white if no color match is found. NOTE: not compatible with hue lux bulbs.
Change to random color
This Action will change your hue lights to a randomly selected color. NOTE: not compatible with hue lux bulbs.
Change color from image
This Action will change the color of your hue lights to match the dominant colors found in an image you specify. NOTE: not compatible with hue lux bulbs.
Turn on color loop
This Action will turn on a slow color loop effect for your hue lights. NOTE: not compatible with hue lux bulbs.
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