Get an email and notification when IFTTT releases a new update to the App Store
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Other popular Apple App Store workflows and automations
Get a notification when a specific app's price drops
Celebrate New Monzo (iOS)
Get a notification when a specific app releases a new update
Snapchat Update Notification
Get an email when a specific app releases a new update
Search for specific types of apps with a keyword
Get an email when a specific app's price drops
Keep track of the release notes and updates from your favorite apps in a Google spreadsheet
Useful Apple App Store and Telegram integrations
Triggers (If this)
New message with key phrase to @IFTTT
This trigger fires when you send a text message with a key phrase to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
New app from search
This trigger fires every time a new app is found in the search results for a specific keyword or developer name.
New photo to @IFTTT on Telegram
This trigger fires when you send a photo to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
App price dropped
This trigger fires every time the price of an app you specify drops.
New message with key phrase in a group
This trigger fires when a user sends a message with the /ifttt command and a key phrase to the source group.
App version updated
This trigger fires every time the app you specify releases a new version.
New message in a group
This trigger fires when any user sends the /ifttt command to the source group.
New post in your channel
This trigger fires when a new message is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
New photo in your channel
This trigger fires when a new photo is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.

New message with key phrase to @IFTTT
This trigger fires when you send a text message with a key phrase to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.

New app from search
This trigger fires every time a new app is found in the search results for a specific keyword or developer name.

New photo to @IFTTT on Telegram
This trigger fires when you send a photo to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.

App price dropped
This trigger fires every time the price of an app you specify drops.

New message with key phrase in a group
This trigger fires when a user sends a message with the /ifttt command and a key phrase to the source group.

App version updated
This trigger fires every time the app you specify releases a new version.

New message in a group
This trigger fires when any user sends the /ifttt command to the source group.

New post in your channel
This trigger fires when a new message is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.

New photo in your channel
This trigger fires when a new photo is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
Queries (With)
History of messages in a group
This query returns a list of when any user sends the /ifttt command to the source group.
History of app featured in a collection
This query returns a list of every time a new app is featured in a collection you specify.
History of photos to @IFTTT on Telegram
This query returns a list of when you send a photo to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
History of app from search
This query returns a list of every time a new app is found in the search results for a specific keyword or developer name.
History of messages with key phrase in a group
This query returns a list of when a user sends a message with the /ifttt command and a key phrase to the source group.
History of App price drops
This query returns a list of times when the price of an app you specified drops. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of photos in your channel
This query returns a list of when a new photo is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
History of App version updates
This query returns a list of events when the app you specified releases an updated version.
History of messages with key phrase to @IFTTT
This query returns a list of when you send a text message with a key phrase to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.
History of app featured in a collection
This query returns a list of every time a new app is featured in a collection you specify.
History of posts in your channel
This query returns a list of when a new message is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.

History of messages in a group
This query returns a list of when any user sends the /ifttt command to the source group.

History of app featured in a collection
This query returns a list of every time a new app is featured in a collection you specify.

History of photos to @IFTTT on Telegram
This query returns a list of when you send a photo to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.

History of app from search
This query returns a list of every time a new app is found in the search results for a specific keyword or developer name.

History of messages with key phrase in a group
This query returns a list of when a user sends a message with the /ifttt command and a key phrase to the source group.

History of App price drops
This query returns a list of times when the price of an app you specified drops. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.

History of photos in your channel
This query returns a list of when a new photo is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.

History of App version updates
This query returns a list of events when the app you specified releases an updated version.

History of messages with key phrase to @IFTTT
This query returns a list of when you send a text message with a key phrase to the @IFTTT bot on Telegram.

History of app featured in a collection
This query returns a list of every time a new app is featured in a collection you specify.

History of posts in your channel
This query returns a list of when a new message is posted in a public channel where you are an admin. The @IFTTT bot must also be an admin in the channel.
Apple App Store and Telegram resources

Google Assistant automations
Google Assistant has four triggers that can be used to make personalized trigger sentences that can include text and number ingredients. These Applets are the solution to connecting the devices and services in your life and helping them ...

How to Use an RSS Feed Creator to Build your Own DIY RSS Feed
Click to learn how to create your own open source DIY RSS feed. Also learn how to automate it with 1000 services on IFTTT.

Shared location automations
Our new shared location capability allows you to control the smart devices in your home and other automations based on the location of your favorite people. Trigger your Applets based on the location of multiple people with the new Group...
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together