Connect ClickUp to Notifications and unlock powerful automations

Other popular ClickUp workflows and automations

Useful ClickUp and Notifications integrations

ClickUp and Notifications resources

6 SMS automations for helpful notifications

6 SMS automations for helpful notifications

Make the most of your daily notifications by adding sms automations from IFTTT.

Calendly vs Acuity: Which is best for a small team?

Calendly vs Acuity: Which is best for a small team?

Looking for a scheduling software for your small team? IFTTT is here to compare Calendly vs Acuity.

How Much Does YouTube Pay Per View?

How Much Does YouTube Pay Per View?

YouTube is a popular video platform that allows users to monetize their content based on viewership. Read on to see how much you can make with YouTube, and other questions answered to send you on your way to YouTube stardom with IFTTT us...

6 best note taking apps for 2025

6 best note taking apps for 2025

Check out our favorite note taking apps for 2025 and how to use IFTTT to have your most productive year yet.

Small business trends for 2025

Small business trends for 2025

When running a small business, you sometimes feel like you're in a bubble. Click to learn the best small business trends of 2025!

Airtable vs. ClickUp: Which is best for small teams?

Airtable vs. ClickUp: Which is best for small teams?

Trying to decide between Airtable vs Clickup? Read our guide on the features and automations both have to offer that can be quickly set up in IFTTT!

ClickUp vs. Trello: Which is best for small teams?

ClickUp vs. Trello: Which is best for small teams?

Torn between Clickup vs Trello? Check out our guide on which has the best features and automations that can be quickly set up in IFTTT!

10 best productivity apps for 2025

10 best productivity apps for 2025

IFTTT has helped over 30,000,000 people become more productive by automating their life. Click to learn about the 10 best productivity apps for 2025.

4 Gmail automations to reduce context switching

4 Gmail automations to reduce context switching

IFTTT brings you the best Gmail automations and interrogations to increase productivity and decrease context switching.

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together